part 6: perfect timing

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Otis skidded to a stop and glanced over at the lab. To his relief, only Oona was there. It would have just been awkward if he had to talk to Oona and Olympia at the same time.

He walked slowly over to the lab counter and greeted Oona.

"Hey, Oona." he greeted, his voice cracking a bit.

Oona looked up from what she was doing. "Howdy do, Otis." she replied cheerfully.

'Good, she's happy.' Otis thought 'So she's probably not mad at Olympia or anything.'

"Where's Olympia?" Otis cautiously asked.

"Oh, she went to the break room to look for you." Oona said.

Otis sighed in relief. "Ok. Um can I talk to you about something?" he asked nervously.

"Sure. What's up?" Oona asked, turning her full attention to him.

Now Otis was really nervous. How was he even going to word this? 'Hey, I know you wanna go to the dance with me, but sorry it's a no because I don't like you like that and I like your best friend, Olympia. So Ocean's gonna ask you instead.'

'Yeah great way to word it, Otis. If you wanna ruin your friendship with Oona!' Otis thought to himself.

He shook his head, ridding himself of the thoughts.

"Oona, I need to talk to you about the dance...." Otis said, walking inside of the lab with Oona.

"Ugh the dance. Don't remind me." Oona said disappointedly.

Otis just knew the disappointed look on Oona's face was because of him.

"I wanted to ask.... my crush to the dance, so I left my note out on the lab counter for him. He apparently took it. But he hasn't mentioned it since...." Oona explained.

Abort. Mission.

Oona was clearly speaking indirectly about Otis. How was Otis supposed to turn her down when she was obviously so upset about this already. The way she explained it made him sound like a total monster.

Oona glanced over at Otis and sighed.

"Oona I'm sorry, I just- three other people asked me to-" Otis tried to begin apologizing, but Oona started speaking again.

"I knew Ocean didn't like me back!" she blurted out in exasperation.

Otis' eyes widened "Did you say Ocean?" he asked in surprise and complete confusion.

"Did I say that out loud? Ugh way to go Oona!" Oona hissed at herself.

Otis was nearly brimming with joy though.

"Ocean?!" he couldn't help but ask again.

"Yes, Otis that's what I said!" Oona replied a bit annoyed. "I knew exactly what time he was gonna come to the lab today, that's why I was rushing you earlier, I wanted you to hurry up and return your gadget before ocean walked by...." she clarified.

"So what were you gonna tell me about the dance?" Oona asked innocently.

"Oh uh yeah, I was just gonna say I talked to Ocean...." Otis stated.

Oona's eyes widened "What'd he say?"

"There was a tiny mix up with the note thing. Anyway, Ocean told me that he liked you and I think he's gonna ask you to the dance." Otis explained.

Oona lit up "Really?!"

"Really." Otis replied, nodding once.

While Oona was getting overly excited about that, Otis glanced over his shoulder and saw Ocean coming back from the storage room and walking towards the lab.

"Perfect timing." Otis said quietly to himself.

"Thank you so much, Otis! I'm so excited!" Oona exclaimed, hugging Otis.

Otis happily hugged back "Anytime, Oona." he said.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go get my date." Otis said, partly to himself as he dashed off towards the break room to find Olympia.

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