Act I: Regret

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Omega Shenron looked upon the reflection he cast into the underground lake in the cave. Many questions kept going through his mind, though one particular thought continued to eat at him.
It was the same question he asked himself days ago when he battled Goku and Vegeta. The same battle where that unknown Saiyan teenager stepped in and transferred not only his Ki, but almost all of his very life force, even part of his own soul, into the Shadow Dragon.

It changed him.

The hate and malice that he had spawned with was now a swirling whirlpool of feelings he had not felt before, that he did not understand. He was miserable. Granted, he was born miserable, but that was different. That was mainly out-of-control rage, hate, and spite. This was not. This was... Regret. Guilt. Despair. It nagged, no, ate at him.

He remembered the battle well. Earth was at its darkest hour, then that Saiyan teen, calling himself Kayl whom was not at all from earth plummeted down from the sky and joined the fight, though it made little difference. All of the heroes took a beating. Then, in a last-ditch effort, Kayl deadlocked with the Shadow Dragon and transferred his Life force into him in an attempt to over-load the dragon with his own energy.

"Dammit!" Omega snapped, balling his hands into fists, standing in the cave. He threw his head back, yelling, spiking his Ki just high enough to make the cave shake.
Omega powered down, and fell to his knees, mentally fried. He adjusted into a sitting position, looking into his reflection one more. He remembered Kayl's last words as he died in his arms.

"Shadow Dragon... Could you... answer one question: Was I strong?"

Omega knew the answer. He wasn't as strong as Goku or Vegeta. But he was strong enough. And what he lacked in power he made up with confidence, heart and pride. Not that it made much difference. Kayl passed over to the next world before Omega could say much. The young Saiyan was just too badly injured. Besides that, he didn't have enough life force left to support his will to live.

Omega Shenron remembered losing his temperament after that. The ground shook, his energy spiking as he let out a painful roar, the force of his Ki sending dust and debris flying everywhere. It was the first roar of that kind he had ever made, then he flew off into space at unbelievable speed, and eventually found this cave on a tropical world, where he buried Kayl, just outside this cave. It was then that the guilt and horror of what he had done began to sink in. In this case, there was no absolution from such destruction and loss of life as he had done. He had left earth in shambles.

He knew he could not go back to Earth. If he did, Goku and Vegeta would not rest until he was dead. They would vaporize him on sight. But what could he do now? Was there any way to subside this deep-rooted pain he felt? Or even fix what he had done?

He went over and lay down on a bunch of moss near the shore of the underground lake. He was tired. He had always been tired, though it did not appear so. It felt so good to be able to rest. That was all he had wanted. No more people with wishes, no one to bother him. He closed his eyes, and drifted off into whatever dream or nightmare awaited him.

Beerus' Temple
Somewhere far away...

Beerus sipped on some lemonade as he sat in his easy chair, watching the fish dart back and forth in his aquarium. He was relaxed. Carefree.

And very bored.

Things had been just too quiet for too long. He longed for some action, maybe even a bit of adventure, which was unlike his usual self.

Beerus then sensed something. A disturbance. Far across the universe. In a small, spiral galaxy. The Milky Way. This caught his attention. He relaxed, focused his Ki, and then saw what it was about.

The last of the Shadow Dragons had apparently been given a gift of light. It had rooted itself deep in the Shadow dragon's soul, starting to illuminate the darkness inside. Even more Ironic, it had been given by a Saiyan.

Beerus smiled. This may be the action and adventure he had been craving. Not bad timing, either. The cat god went from the aquarium to a bedroom. He changed out of his relaxed wear, and into his usual garb: Blue fighting pants, leather shoes, and various jewelry. He then left his room and saw his attendant, Whis.

"Whis, I'm going to go on a stroll through the Milky Way Galaxy. I've felt a disturbance there." he said with a smile. "Care to come along?"

"Oh, goody!" Whis grinned. "This sounds fun! We haven't been out and about in ages!"

With that, they teleported off towards the disturbance.

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