Act II: Desperate Earth

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City Ruins

Goku was dumbfounded by recent events. Who was this Saiyan that appeared out of nowhere? Why did he choose to appear then, and not earlier? Even more puzzling, why did Omega Shenron quit fighting and run away?

"Kakarot!" Goku snapped back to reality, turning to face Vegeta. They were still in Super Saiyan 4, not wanting to let their guard down.

"Um... Yes?"

"I asked you, have you got any ideas on how to locate Omega Shenron? He still has the dragon balls imbedded into his body, after all, and we can't fix this mess without them!" For once, Vegeta looked concerned.

"I know..." Goku said. "I just can't sense his power level... He's masking it somehow."

"Maybe I could help." Bulma walked up to them. "I just made some modifications to the Dragon radar. Combining it with satellite telescopes, I can read the energy of the dragon balls from anywhere in the galaxy! Combine that with star charts..."

"...And we can track that shadow dragon everywhere he goes! Ah, my princess, you are resourceful!" Vegeta didn't even realize what he just said until the words left his lips.

Bulma blushed. "Well, I love you too, sweetie!" She smiled, causing Vegeta to turn a bashful red, realizing the words that left his mouth. "Anyways, I have it ready at what's left of the lab! Let's go find us a dragon!"

# # #

Omega Shenron looked up at the night sky, standing over Kayl's grave. He was lost in thought as he stared up at the twin moons overhead, stars dotting the beyond around it.

Right now, the guilt of what he had done was starting to root itself into him. He couldn't deny it. But what could he do? It wasn't like he could go back to earth and apologize, that would never work. But he didn't want to run away, either.

He clutched his hands into fists, starting to grow frustrated again. He had to do something. Something to make things right, so he wouldn't feel guilty anymore. He knew if he just left this feeling alone, it would grow and consume him, and drive him to insanity and self-destruction.

Omega looked down at Kayl's grave. "What would you do?" He asked.

Silence. Not unexpected. He knew he wouldn't get an answer. He sighed, closing his eyes.

What Omega didn't know was that he was being watched.

# # #

Beerus and Whis peered behind the tree, their ki precisely suppressed. Beerus was surprised yet thrilled. This would be even better than he thought! A lost soul! Oh, how easily they could be molded. But which way did he want to turn the distraught shadow dragon? He ruled out the evil, dark way. That would just make it another repeat victory for Goku, or some other naive fool. Besides, what fun would that be?

No. That would be just boring, Beerus thought to himself. I came here to have fun. Re-energizing the evil in him would end up being nothing but a bore to watch. Fighting him wouldn't be much joy, either. He's nowhere near my strength. I am a god, after all. But what would be a method for fun? He tapped his chin with his index finger, thinking hard.

Then his mind clicked the pieces into place. "Oh, putting him through that would be so much more fun!" He whispered, giggling quietly. He whispered his plan to Whis, who gave him a thumbs-up of approval on it. Beerus then made his move.

He teleported up to the shadow dragon. Right in front of his face. "Boo!"

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