Act III: A God's Game

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Omega Shenron stumbled backwards a few steps when the cat-creature appeared out of thin air!

"Well, well..." The cat said, looking at the burial mound. "It appears the end of one, is only the beginning for another..."

"Who are you?!" Omega demanded, assuming a fighter stance.

The cat didn't change its relaxed posture. "Whom I am is not the question."

"Indeed, indeed." Another figure said, stepping out from behind a tree. It appeared human, but had blue skin, and was dressed in colorful robes.

Omega didn't expect this. But he replied. "I am... Omega Shenron, the ultimate Shadow Dragon... The last Shadow Dragon..."

The cat scratched it's chin. "Hmm... Those are titles, words you cling to as your world, and sanity, fall apart around you." The cat then seemed to notice something as he looked over Omega Shenron.

"Ah! I had wondered if the Dragon Balls of Earth were still intact." He said, referring to the seven Dragon Balls embedded in Omega's chest. "It appears you have taken relics from one destroyed planet to the... possible devastation of another."

It didn't take long for Omega to realize what the cat was referring to, as it tipped him off to its identity. "You are Beerus, the god of destruction!"

Beerus smirked. "That is a title, yes. But like you, the title is not entirely who I am. For you, it is different." His smirk widened a bit. "You have bathed in the negative power that the Dragon Balls have accumulated, but there is not enough power in such things. But it will be a step for you."

"A step to what?" Omega was confused.

Beerus smiled. "Either Damnation or Redemption. For both you, and the Saiyan whom
died giving you this chance. Which end, however, depends on your choices from here on."

Omega gritted his teeth, looking at the grave. He knew! How could he have known?!

"Ah, surprised that I know? Don't be. I am a god, after all." Beerus said.

Omega looked at Beerus. "Just what are you getting at with all this?"

Beerus just grinned again. "Simple. I have some trials set out for you. If you pass these trials undaunted, you shall find what you've been seeking: freedom from guilt. I shall also revive this Saiyan as a bonus." He motioned to the shallow grave between them.

Omega was again, shocked. Could Beerus help him find what he was looking for? He looked at the grave, then his face hardened as he looked at Beerus.

"Just tell me what I need to do."

Beerus' grin threatened to wrap around his head. He never imagined the Shadow Dragon would be so willing to go along with this! Whatever happened to him clearly filled him with sanity-threatening guilt. It had obviously made Omega Shenron desperate.


"Very well. First, I want to see just what you have wrought from a different perspective." Beerus pointed down towards the ground. "Face me and Kneel."

"What...? Why?" Omega Shenron stepped back.

"Because I need to touch your forehead to see your memories. And I'm not in the mood for hovering above the ground right now." Beerus replied.

Omega Shenron was confused but did as he was told. He got on his knees, facing Beerus.

Beerus then walked forward, placing his index and middle finger on Omega Shenron's forehead. The god closed his eyes and started to silently chant in an unknown language.

Omega Shenron then began to sense something radiating off of Beerus. Almost like Ki, but not quite. After a few moments, things started to change.

There was a glow from Beerus' fingers! Then a searing hot white pain! Omega gritted his teeth, his view blurring! What was happening!
Beerus began to chant slightly louder.

Then it happened.

Beerus opened his eyes, as they glowed with energy. He looked straight into Omega's eyes, which in turn, started to glow themselves. Omega was blinded by light, and the next thing he knew, he was standing on Earth with Beerus. In a city he had destroyed... But something was off. Omega was getting a strong vibe of Déjà vu from this place.

"Welcome to your memories." Beerus shrugged his shoulders. "Well... At least one anyway."

Omega blinked. "This is... one of my memories?"

That's when he heard it. Right above them were voices.

"So here we are... Saiyans on the battlefield... I never thought I'd live to see another day like this..."

Omega looked up. Above him, was Goku, Vegeta, Kayl... and himself!

"I will only say this once, fool!" Vegeta said, looking at Kayl. "Stay out of

Kayl looked at Vegeta.

"What is this?" Omega asked Beerus.

"Like I said, it's your memory. Right now, you are viewing it from a different perspective. That's why you see yourself up there."

Omega looked on, watching the events unfold. When this happened the first time, it didn't bother him. This time, it did.

"Don't do it, Kayl..." He silently pleaded. "Run while you still can..."

"Save your breath. They're only shadows on your memory." Beerus said coldly.

"Consider it an order from your prince, if you must!" Vegeta snapped at a defiant Kayl.

Kayl turned back to the memory Omega Shenron. "In that case, I refuse your order."

Omega looked on, the words stinging like a painful needle, while watching his other self above give a dark chuckle.

"Slow down and think! He outclasses you!" Goku said, begging Kayl to listen to
reason. "Besides, he's just a ball of hate! Why do you want to take him on so badly?"

Kayl looked across at memory Omega with a leer. "Just a ball of hate, is he? So, it's not just the Dragon Balls embedded in his body that make him so "evil?" So powerful?"

"I'm in no hurry to do what I do best." The Omega Shenron from the memory said, laughing and popping his knuckles. "There are much less painful ways of committing suicide. But if this is your choice, I won't stop you. It'll be a good warm-up, at least. I'll go easy on you." He popped the bones in his neck.

"Easy?" Kayl laughed an insane laugh. "What is easy in this universe? I'll tell you what's easy: Nothing." He assumed a fighting stance.

All the real Omega Shenron could do was watch. This was the beginning of the Saiyan's end.

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