Act IV: Lonesome Battle

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Beerus looked on as he watched the fight between the memory Omega Shenron and Kayl. Punches were thrown, kicks connected with shattering force, Ki blasts were thrown every which way... The destruction was nothing short of spectacular. They knocked each other through ruined skyscrapers, blows sending them ricocheting across the city skyline as they teleported and knocked each other in every direction. Kayl may not have been as powerful as Goku or Vegeta, but he made up for it with experience and strategy as he exchanged blows with Omega. The fight, and destruction, was nothing sort of mind-boggling. It was an amazing sight for Beerus. Saiyans in general continued to surprise him.

The real Omega Shenron was in a different mindset altogether. The pain of knowing Kayl was fighting a losing battle was starting to tear him apart from the inside out. He wanted to turn away. He didn't want to watch Kayl die again, but some unseen force kept him from doing so.

"Do not turn away from it, Shadow Dragon! Don't resist it!" Beerus snapped. "This is what you have wrought! You either face what you have done, or face damnation!"

Omega didn't respond as he was forced to continue to watch his memory unfold. Kayl was taking a beating, as he was swarmed by Omega Shenron's other self. Granted, he was putting out some devastating attacks, too, but even though they injured the shadow dragon to a degree, it only seemed to anger Omega's other self even more.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!!" Memory Omega Shenron got ready to power up his minus energy power ball attack, but Kayl interrupted it with a teleportation dragon rush of combo attacks, finishing it with a high-power energy wave with a Ki blast volley. It sent the shadow dragon flying into a collapsed building. Kayl let out a sigh of relief, catching his breath. He had won.

Or so he thought.

Memory Omega Shenron came flying out of the rubble, grappling with Kayl.

"I will NOT be humiliated by the newcomer!" He snapped.

Real Omega watched, a pain forming inside him. He knew what was going to happen next, and he dreaded it.

His premonition was confirmed, as Kayl started to charge his Ki as they grappled, staring his opponent in the eye. This was it. The end of his life.

Beams of energy shot out of Kayl's eyes, straight into memory Omega's, as Kayl let out a primal roar. The force of the combining Ki and life force shook the ground as it created a rushing gale around all of them! The light was so blinding from the sudden explosion, everyone had to cover their eyes! Glass that was still intact in the skyscraper ruins shattered into shards from the force! The ground underneath them started cracking, fissures running every direction!

Then the light faded, and Kayl fell from the sky, out of the grapple. He had no more energy left to spare to keep him afloat in the air. As he crashed into the ground, memory Omega pursued. He smashed down and grabbed Kayl by his chonmage hair knot.

"You Goddamn PEST!" Memory Omega roared. "I should have finished you from the start!" He snapped, starting to power up an energy beam.

"Release, him, Omega!" Goku roared, readying a Kamehameha wave.

"Stop it...!"

Everyone then turned to Kayl. To Beerus' great surprise, he was still able to speak. Kayl looked over at Goku.

"...Still you and the prince insult me, Kakarot!" He snapped weakly through gritted teeth.

Everyone was shocked, memory Omega even more so. He let go of Kayl's hair, letting him drop into his free arm. Kayl continued to speak.

"Don't even consider it... You save me, I will hunt you down... and I will kill you... I'll kill those precious to you first, then you... and you won't be the

Goku could not hold back the shock in his eyes. He knew Kayl was a Saiyan warrior, but for Kayl to threaten him like that...

Kayl coughed up blood onto his shirt as he continued. "...To think that I was beaten by such a... naïve, narrow-minded creature!"

Memory Omega looked at Kayl with confusion. "I... I don't understand..."

Kayl looked at memory Omega, malice and sadness flashing in his dying eyes. "You don't get it, do you? I have lost everything! I have survived more battles than you know... I lost my parents... My home world... Even my lover. Even then, I have continued to live... To survive was my only purpose in life... To survive is my life! Something you can't even comprehend!" He coughed up more blood, his injuries apparent. "In battle, there is a slight gap between life and death... Those who were killing, would find themselves dead a moment later...! One little slip-up... a weak technique... a missed connection could have ended me earlier..."

Goku looked on and listened, a horrified look in his eyes as Kayl continued. Vegeta, equally surprised, looked away, unable to stop the pity displayed on his face.

"...I soaked myself in the blood of my enemies, I even ate the flesh off their bones, all so I could manage to live this long... It is not a matter of my luck, it was only my vibrant power within, that kept me alive. I survived though my own strength... My own valor, my own determination..." Tears started to flow from Kayl's eyes, as he shouted out his next words as loud as he could at memory Omega, whom in turn, took to a shocked expression.

"YOU RUINED IT FOR ME!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!! WHY, WHY AM I INFERIOR TO YOU?! HAVE YOU EVER...!" Kayl coughed violently even more blood this time, as it spattered and ran down Omega's chest. "...HAVE YOU EVER EXPERIENCED ANY HARDSHIPS IN YOUR SHORT MISERABLE EXISTANCE YOU CALL A LIFE?! YOU, YOUR VERY EXISTANCE OVERSHADOWS MINE!!" He weakly raised a fist in his rage for a few seconds, then let it drop as he proceeded to cough up more blood.

He looked up to memory Omega, his eyes starting to fade. He was dying.

"Shadow dragon... could you answer one, stupid question?" Kayl struggled to get the words out.

It took a few seconds for memory Omega to get his bearings "...What is it?"

Kayl's question was as pure and simple as daylight. "...Was I strong?"

This caught memory Omega off guard. He showed surprise at the question. He looked around him, at the other two Saiyans, then at the city in confusion. Then he answered:

"... It's hard to believe that I am still alive after all that has happened..."

Kayl looked up at memory Omega. "...Is that so?" He started to laugh, then coughed again, blood running from his mouth and nose as he gripped the Shadow Dragon's arm.

"Thank you.... That means... more to me than you will ever know..." Kayl's grip started to give as he said his final words, looking at the sky.

Kayl's eyes lost their glow as those words left his throat. His body went limp.

Memory Omega immediately became distraught. He shook the body a few times in his arms, but no response. Memory Omega then let out a loud roar, spiking his Ki as it sent debris flying in every direction. The ground quaked and fissures sprouted again, causing Goku and Vegeta to take off, less they be swallowed up by the collapsing ground. Memory Omega then took off and teleported away.

Beerus could have sworn he saw tears in his eyes as memory Omega transmitted away from the planet.

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