Niggas gimmie the cold shoulder

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"Mom." I said 

"Yeah?" She asked stirring in a pot

"My phone's broken?" 


"And it like, really doesn't work. Like it won't even turn on."

She groaned.

"Why don't you take care of your stuff?! How do you completely break it." 

"I-it was in my hand and I was walking up the stairs at school and someone bumped into me so it like flew out of my hand and dropped down really far."


"I was walking up the st-"

"I heard you. I shouldn't have to pay for a phone that you broke."

"It was an accident, and I didn't break it. Look I'll pay you back. I promise."

"We'll see." 

I sighed and nodded my head. I went upstairs and started to work on homework. Why did Tyler have to act out like that. Everything was going so well the other day. But he's really cool, and sweet, and nice. But I don't wanna be with someone who does that when I talk to another guys I haven't seen in two years. I didn't mean to hurt him. I didn't know he'd act like that. Fuck. Why do I feel bad know, he yelled at me, he broke my phone, and he didn't even apologize. Whatever. I did my homework and thoughts of him would pop up here and there. 

The Next Day

I got to my first period and Tyler was usual I guess. I sit next to him and didn't say anything.

"Kelly listen I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset like that. But I'm really sorry." 

"It's whatever Tyler." 

"No I don't want you to force accepting my apology." 

"I said it's whatever now leave it alone before I take it back." 

We got through 1st period and the other period's were the same...silent. 


"Kelly I tried to call you yesterday where you?" Kali asked

"My phone broke." I said looking at Tyler 

He looked away.

"Oh damn, you gonna get a new one?" 

"Maybe. My mom doesn't know." 

"Oh. Well were all finna have a sleepover wanna come?" 

"Like...all of us?" 

"Yeah?" Crystal said 

"Can it just be like a...I dunno...a girls night or something?" 

They looked at each other.

"Why not."

"Aye we planned this shit!" Rocky said 

"Ok? We can do it another time." Kali said 


"I said another time!"

He piped down. 

"Um Kelly we'll just pick you up at like 10 or something?" 

I nodded my head. 

"You alright? You and Tyler have been mad silent."

"I'm fine." 

"I'm fine too." He said 

"Ok then." 

I started working on my homework so I had less to do when I got home. 

Time Skip

I was reading the article we were assigned and someone tapped me. They handed me a note. I opened it. 

Talk after school? Under the bleachers? I'm really sorry.


    YES  NO

I circled my answer and handed it back to the guy. I continued doing my work.


I got the note back and it was circled no. I cursed to myself and thought about how I could get her to talk to me again. 

The Next Day

"I thought we were going to the grove?" I asked Kali 

"We take Kelly on her date." 

"Her what?!" 

"Crystal and I set her up."

 "With who." 

"Steve Lacy."

I slumped back in my chair as we waited outside Kelly's house.

"I didn't even know y'all still talked to him." Rocky said

"Yup." Kali answered putting on some lip gloss

Kelly came out in some oversized pants and a collard green crop top. Ugh. She got in the seat behind me next to Rocky.

"You look beautiful mama." 


Time Skip/Kelly 

We pull up to the grove in front of this water fountain type thing and there was that boy Kali showed me.

"Good luck Kelly." Kali yelled

"And tell us everything." Crystal said

"I will bye guys." 

"Bye." They all said

I walked up to the guys and he looked up smiling at me. 

"You're Kelly right?" 

"Yeah and you're Steve?" 


He gave me a hug and I hugged back. 

"Come on I know this really good place we can eat at." 


He led me over to the side walk and we began walking to the place.

"So how old are you?" He asked


"Cool, I'm 16. Do you like music." 


"What kind?" 


"Cool. I play guitar."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Do you play any instruments?" 

"I played flute in like...3rd grade." I chuckled


We got to this small cafe and walked inside.

m=(y2-y1)   (2-5)   -3
                    =          =     

       (x2-X1) (8-2)     6

(1 - -1)  2   1
              __   ___

(8-0)     8      4

(Sorry dudes that was something for my math class and i didn't have anything to write my work down on cause i don't have my phone and who uses pencil and paper anymore soo yea i have to leave it up there's so i can review it next week)

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