thirteen point one.

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Rui, again, sneezed. He sneezed accidentally on the black-haired senior standing beside him. Chuiro flinched, quickly shaking off the dirt, " Dude! At least cover your nose if you're going to sneeze on me."

Rui muttered a simple sorry and stood back again properly, scrunching his nose a bit. It's currently 4:30 pm and visitors and high-schoolers kept on coming. But a certain tangerine head is missing, and none of them don't know where he went.

" His bag is still here. But I can't find his phone." Yachi said, her hand checking every place inside Shoyo's bag.

" Did you call him?" Mitsu asked before taking a sip of her cola. Still focus on what she's doing, Yachi answered, " I tried. But he's not answerin—-." she was cut off when she felt a sudden vibrate in her pocket. She took out her phone and checked the caller ID. Hinata—- " Excuse me, guys. I'll just take this call." she said and rushed out of the classroom.

pushing the green button, she quickly asked, " Hinata?? where are you??"

" Sorry for not calling, Yachi-san. I'll come home later."

" No. Where are you??"

" . . ."

" Hello? Hinata?? Shoyo, where are you?"

" I'm at Oikawa's house—-

" Oikawa?? what are you doing there?? did he drag you there??"

" No no, he didn't! I . . came here by myself."

" Why? Did he do anything to you there??"

" No he didn't! I'm totally fine here. We just had things to talk about."

Things to talk about? could it be . . " You told him about what really happened back then?"

" He asked me to. He didn't force me to tell him. He just needed to know. I'm sorry to worry you, Yachi-san. I'll apologize to Natsu when I get home. I'm sorry again."

Looks like I can't do anything about that now, " It's fine. As long as you're safe. But please, next time when you're going to someone's house, call me, okay? Stop making us worry."

" I'm sorry again, Yachi-san. I won't do it again. I'll see you later. I'll stop by the school, don't worry!" Yachi unconsciously nodded and hummed in response. The two bid their goodbye and ended the call.

Oikawa's house? what happened to them for him to go there so suddenly? Yachi asked to herself. With the thought still in mind, she went back inside the room.

Just when she got inside, Rui was about to leave, " Oh? where are you going?"

" Just out for a bit. I'm suffocating here." Rui said jokingly and walked away. Yachi shrugged and went back to the others.

Why is it so cold out here? Rui shivered, digging his hands down in his pockets more. He looked down to his shoes and kicked the small rock away. This is better than seeing Hiro's face all day.

While out, he took out his phone and dialed a number. Not sure if the other person's going to pick up, he put the phone against his ear, waiting for ginger head to pick up.

Surprisingly, he picked up quick than he expected, " Rui!"

Ah I miss him already. Rui said to himself, breathing out, faint smoke coming out before his lips, " Shoyo! Why aren't you picking up the phone earlier?"

" I'm sorry! I have something urgent to do so I can't pick up the phone. So, why did you call?"

" I'm worried of course! and I just wanted to! is it bad to call you at this time? Are you doing something?"

" No, of course not! I'll stop by there later so I'll see you soon anyways! what are you doing right now?"

" Nothing. Just outside the school. The pub's packed with students I think I'll suffocate there."

" I can already imagine Hiro-kun telling you off even though you didn't mention it."

" He did—-

" Rui." he suddenly stopped talking, his eyes suddenly focused on the person standing in front of him.

" Rui? is there something wrong?"

Rui kept his composure, " I'm fine. Something suddenly came up, Shoyo. I'll talk to you later."

The person in front of him frowned by the sudden name mentioned, " Haa . . so you are talking to him, huh?"

" Really? I guess I'll see you later, then. Bye, Rui!"

" Yeah. I'll see you later." with that, he end the call before the ginger head could even. The ginger head from the other line tilt his head in confusion but shrugged it off and decided to wake the brown-haired up.

Rui shoved his phone in his pockets along with his hand, his mood suddenly changed, along with his facial expression which turned into a slight scowl, " I am. Is there something wrong with that?"

" Why are you suddenly scowling at me? I didn't do anything to you." the person said, even though he's doing the same.

Rui breathe in, letting out a sigh of annoyance, " What do you want now?"

The person chuckled lowly, stepping forward with a playful smile, " So, you go to this school? Nice place if I'm being honest." the person said slyly, his eyes playfully looking around the place.

It irked the peach-haired more, an irk mark appeared on his head. This is why I also hate being around Hiro. He reminds me of this rooster head, " Get to the point, Tetsurou."

The bed-haired man turned his head back to the peach-haired boy the same height as his, a smile so cunning and playful plastered on his thin lips, his teeth showing a bit,

" I just wanna talk with you, Rui-nii chan."

To be continued . . .

thank you for reading

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