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One week later

Exhaling the smoke Princess sat Indian style on floor in the movie room crying and smoking as she turned the pages of her favorite photo album , she had woke up in her feelings and all she wanted was to hug her boys  and with them gone it was no one to keep her grounded so she had given herself a much needed break. As she continued to flip through the album she had stumbled across a dvd with her name on it , she sat there for a few more minutes contemplating on whether she wanted to watch it or not, fuck it she said getting up off the floor. Putting the disc into the DVD player Princess sat in the recliner and relit the backwood as she waited for it to play.

I see you found the next tape he says smiling , I know you've been handling this the best way you can and I appreciate you for being you P and I mean that from the bottom heart. I know yo ass probably sitting there smoking with a mug on ya face and hate in ya heart he says stroking his beard and that ain't nobody fault but mine , I should loved y'all better especially you and I don't give fuck about what no one gotta say when it comes to you , everyone wanted Nahla to be medicated so bad but I knew that a piece of me would be missing if I did that and as selfish as that sounds you were the balance we needed. You always showed up at the right time especially when it was me fuckin up hell I still got the scar to prove it he says lifting up his shirt laughing you really came through for me that day even though the consequences was severe I wouldn't change it for the world because I knew disappearing the way I did would bring you forward .

Princess paused the video , she could never forget that day.

Flash back

2 AM

Princess paced back and forth as she waited for Kain to walk through the door she had sent the boys to her fathers house just in case he came home hurt considering he had been gone for 2 days with no phone call or text to let her know that he was okay and while Nahla was worried Princess was pissed , she was tired of showing up every time he did something crazy. P had no idea what was going on in her mind every thing was good but clearly Nahla had been taking on more then she should handle , Kain knew how far to push Nahla before she let Princess take over and this was gonna be the last time he worried her like this . Princess could handle this life and at one point and time so could Nahla but that all changed when her babies were murdered in cold blood.

Two hours had passed and Kain still wasn't home , she had been calling all of her connects and no one knew nothing which only meant one thing ; He wasn't in the state. Kain had lost his mind this time and Princess would make sure he understood the severity of his actions when she gets done with him. Calling one more person P waited for him to answer " Nahla this better be an -" " Look at the number and correct ya self immediately " Princess says calmly. " Shit " he cursed " Where is he ? And don't bullshit me either  Fox I'm not in the mood " She says in a tone " He's in DC he's been there for a week ! They been chillin together since he got here ! " a woman yells in the background " Shut the fuck up Jihana damn " Fox says screaming at her " Thank you Jihana " P says hanging up.

8 hrs later

Princess stepped off the plane fuming , she had given him the chance to come home on his own but when she called him his exact words were ; I'll be home when I decide to come home now get the fuck off my phone , she no longer cared if he was safe because she would be the reason he ended up hurt. Heading towards the car Jihana hopped out to greet her " I appreciate you telling me " Princess says dapping her up " Them niggas thought they were slick and they almost had me until I seen your name pop up on his phone and the only time you call is if it's an emergency "  Jihana says shaking her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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