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3 years later
Willow Tree Cemetery
10 AM

Princess laid the flowers on their grave as she hummed a sweet melody to soothe her soul . 3 long years since the death of her husband and  the disappearance of her boys. Keli didn't survive the gun shot wound that pierced through her mother's stomach and straight into her lung. The moment Princess woke up she knew Nahla had checked out completely. Everything flashed in her mind like it was yesterday and she still couldn't believe he was gone. Taking the backwood from out behind her ear, she lit it and inhaled the smoke. She drove back to New York two days ago knowing the anniversary of Kains death was today .

After waking up a year later she couldn't believe that everything she dreamt was true, she just thought Nahla was having nightmares but she had checked out the day of the car crash. Princess contacted Nasir  immediately after leaving the hospital , she needed to know that the boys were okay but her heart broke even more when he confirmed they had been kidnapped the morning of Kain and Keli's funeral , Nas made sure they were buried right next to Kain parents , Zeus and Raina . Nasir informed Princess that he made sure everything Kain had left behind was safe and secure for his sister , he  didn't want Nahla checking back in and realize all of his shit was gone .

Princess made herself unrecognizable so she could accomplish mission without anyone noticing that she's KRs wife , she dyed her hair black and tatted both of her arms up along with a few pieces on both thighs and a Red Bull on the front of her neck and a X on the back of neck . Chardae couldn't believe she had tatted her body that fast , the pieces on Princess's body usually took years to accomplish but Princess learned along time ago she didn't feel pain.

" I miss you so fuckin much Xavier " Princess says exhaling the smoke " I'm still looking for our boys but I keep coming to a dead end and your uncle disappeared after he got wind of your death " she says shaking her head " I haven't spoken to my brother in 2 years but char and I speak everyday , she just had twin girls four months ago and she named them Keli & Raina Howard in honor of our little girls up there in heaven " She says sighing heavily .

" Aight I tried , Look Nahla checked the fuck out a long time ago which leaves my crazy ass in control and I promise ima find out who did this shit to our family because we both know Nahla gave up doing dangerous shit after Zeus was born " she chuckles " you just had to get back in the game but because you knew we wasn't haven't that shit you kept us in the dark now look at yo dumb ass just dead , I could have helped you and our family would still be together and if I could bring you back to life I would just so I can kill you my fuckin self ." Princess says getting up " I would leave the wood but you can't smoke from the grave so I'll holla atcha lata' "

Kissing her fingers she bent down and planted them on her babies graves " Mommy misses y'all so much , keep y'all knuckle headed ass daddy in line until I get there okay ? Love y'all " She says getting back up " I promised I would keep y'all son safe and I tried my best and I sincerely apologize for his dumb ass actions ma so if you could smack him one time that would perfect too tell Mr. Romero don't kill my husband considering he's already dead just black his eye once and we'll be even "  she says wiping the fallen tears " I really miss y'all "

For some reason this year was harder then the last , Princess was never this emotional so she knew it was finally setting in that the love of her life was really gone . There was no one to go home too no more , she was all alone now. Princess wiped the remaining tears off her face as she entered the car , she needed to gather her thoughts before she headed to Lucianos . Reapplying her nude lip gloss ,she took a makeup wipe out her purse and wiped her face so it could get rid of the tear stains.  Princess knew how much Diamond hated tardiness so she took her time, the one thing princess hated more then anything was being rushed.

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