saving your rival

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Gogo pov

When I wake up I feel something cuddling next to me I then look to see I'm not in my apartment with honey lemon, but am in Hiros bedroom!

When I look at hiro he looks so peaceful and I cant help but smile at him.

"Hey genius it's time to wake up."

"Uhh 5 more minutes Aunt Cass."

"Hiro I'm not your aunt."

"Uh what?" As he finnaly opens his eyes and looks at me blushing.

"Hah how'd you sleep?" I ask him

"Um pretty will, you?"

"Not to bad." I smile as I kiss him on the cheek.

"Hiro! Gogo! Breakfast!"

"Alright I'll go on down and let you get dressed."

"Okay love you."

"Love you to hiro."

As im walking down stairs I look at my phone to see that I have a lot of un read massages from Honey lemon, probably because I did not come home last night, as I walk down to see Aunt Cass cooking pancakes.

"Morning gogo howd you sleep?"

"Much better then i do back at my place with Honey lemons snoring." I tell her as hiro comes down.

"Morning Aunt Cass."

"Morning sweetie. Here's your breakfast."

"Thanks aunt Cass."


Hiros pov

As me, Gogo and Baymax head for SFIT the rest of the gang runs up to us panicking

" Uh guys we got a problem!" Wasabi tells us.

"What is it Wasabi?" I ask

'We've got another Bank robbery."

"Alright guys lets sute up!" Hiro tells us.

San Francisco bank.

Hiro pov

When we arrive we look to see it's Momakase.

"Huh will if isn't Hiro and his big hero 6, how nice to see you again."

"It's over monakase, surrender." as we all circle her.

'Hmmm maybe you should be more concerned with all your fans outside!" As she throws a smoke grenade and disappears

"After her!" I yell to the others as we chase her throw the streets people are already beginning to waich us and cheer. As me and Baymax corner her.

"It's over. Give up!"

"Oh no, its only just begun!" As she simply knocks her hand ageist the wall as big craks start to form I then look to see a peace of the building about to fall on none other then Karmi.

"Ugh why now? Karmi Look out!"

Karmi pov

I look to see Captain Cutie and Red Panda trap the villain.

As there talking I can't help but take a quick picture but then when I look up fear over takes me!

"Look out!" As I'm pushed out of the way by captain cutie only for it to hit him instead!

"Captain Cutie!"

"Hiro!" I here Speed Queen and the rest of the ground scream as they run over to try to get him out when they find him he is pulled out by Speed Queen.

Gogo pov

"Hiro!" I scream when i see Hiro save Karmi not careing she's there

As we get hiro out im crying at this point.

"Baymax! Scan him now!" Normally i play along and call the rest of the team what Karmi calls us but at the moment I don't care.

"Scan complete he has a broken arm and has internal bleeding."

"We need to get him to the hospital now!" I yell at everyone as I remove hiros helmant.

"What!?' Karmi yells supprised

Karmi pov

Hiro is captain cutie... I can't believe the one person I've been in love with is the vary same guy i thank is annoying speechless no wonder he hated my fanfictions couse they where about him.

Gogo pov

We take off our armor and drive hiro to the Hospital when we get inside he is immediately sent into the back room to be operated on.

"I just called aunt Cass she's on her way."

"Oh man how are we going to explain this to her!" Wasabi says panicking

"I thank... It's time we tell her the truth." I tell everyone with nervous look.

big hero 6 new found love (hirogo)Where stories live. Discover now