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Gogo pov

I am really trying my best to not want to slap hiro at this moment, as we ride on Fred's family chopper im so worried about him...

Fred pov

Man I've never seen gogo so worried in my life, I gess hiro has really changed her.

"Hey Gogo you okay?" I ask her worried

"I'm fine Fred but thanks." She smiles

"Don't worry gogo, hiro is probably the smartest and toughest kid I've ever seen." I try to cheer her up.

Gogo pov

"Huh... Thanks Fred it's just I do trust hiro and I care about him deeply... But i know how reckless and impatient he can be at times."

"Heh Tadashi was the same way." Honey lemon says.

"That's my point and what I'm worried about."

"What do you mean?" Honey ask confused

"Tadashi just ran into that fire to save Callaghan and he died because of it... I just get so scared for him. Ugh why am I like this!?"

"Because you love him." Honey tells me smiling.

"Huh I always knew the little guy made you soft." Wasabi says as I glare at him

"Sorry! Not trying to make you mad, but my point is where all here for the both of you."

"Huh thanks Wasabi."

"Come on guys lets find Captain Cutie and red Panda. Fred jokes laughing."

Gogo pov

As I look outside I feel uneasy from the memories with Callaghan, Hiro and Baymax I just hope Hiro is okay as we land.

We walk up to the front.

"I told him and Baymax to wait for us before he went to look for Karmi ugh!" As I grab out my phone and call him, as I expected no answer, now im really getting worried.

"Let's go." As we walk inside.

The memories of what happened steel on my hand but i will not let aunt Cass down i promised her i would be there for hiro and i intend to keep it!

Wasabi pov

"Man This place steel craps me out I wonder why noodle burger boy would come here?" Wasabi ask

"Guys look!" Fred shouts as we look ahead to see none other then hiro laying on the ground with baymax trying to help.

Gogo pov

"Hiro!" I yell as I race to him.

"Baymax explanation now!"

"Hiro was hit by a poison dart, he needs medical care immediately and you have also walked right in to a trap." baymax says as bars appear around us.

"Oh no..." Wasabi says.

"Uh guys plain?" Honey ask beginning to panick.

As noodle burger boy and his robot friends come out.

"Will hello big hero 6 hahaha"

"You!" I yell angrily "you did this to him!"

"Oh that I just took the opportunity to take out big hero 6's leader as revenge for my sister!"

As lights come on we see Karmi tied to a chair and when she sees hiro she gasb in shock as tears start to fall from her eyes.

"Gogo if we do not get hiro out of here he will die." Baymax tells us

"Hmmm maybe we can make a trade."

"What?" I hiss at the robot

"I will trade you the girl for him!" He points at baymax.

"Wha... What?"

"You herd me I'll give you the girl for him if not..." As Hangry Panda holds a knife of at Karmis throat as tears fall from her eyes.

This is vary bad there gonna kill Karmi if we don't hend over baymax. But if he gets baymax...

"deal!" As I turn around shocked to see hiro barly awake holding his arm in pain trying to walk.

"Hiro!" I yell as run to his side.

"Let.. Let her go and you can have him." Hiro tells noodle burger boy.

"But hiro you are in need of medical treatment." Baymax warns him

"Hiro..." I tell him worried.

"Baymax I... I'm satisfied with my care. Now go to him." As baymax begins to walk over to the robots I hold hiros hand as he looks up at me.

"Gogo I... I'm so sorry I love you." as tears start to fall from his eyes as he then falls unconscious.

"Hiro! Hiro No! As tears begin to flood my eyes.

As I'm holding hiro in my arms, honey Is hugging Fred crying as wasabi just stands there tears also falling.

Karmi pov

As the robots in tie me i quickly run to hiros side with gogo and put my head on his chest to feel a small heartbeat

"Gu... Guys! He's steel alive!" She smiles tears steel falling.

"We need to get out of here now!" Gogo tells us

"Uhh guys..." Fred points scared as noodle burger boy takes out Tadashi's heath care chip and replaces it with his own as baymax turns to us with red eyes.

Gogo pov

I look to see the heath care chip in burger boys hand we have to get it back and fast!

"Fred you and Karmi get hiro out of here and to safety now!" I yell at them.

"Wasabi you and Honey distract baymax!"

"What are you gonna do?" Wasabi ask nervous.

"Geting that heath care chip back." As i put my helmet on.

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