May i have this dance?

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Gogo pov

Once we get inside and get our suits off we lay down on the couch to rest.

"Uh guys how about we take tommrow off." Wasabi says

"Yeah I'm down for that." Fred says.

I look to see hiro steel struggling to take his armor off do to his bed arm.

"Here let me help." I tell him as I remove his shoulder pads.

"Thanks gogo." he smiles.

"Um... Hey guys question?" Fred specks up

"Yeah fred?" Hiro ask

"If you guys want i can cancel the dance later today." As we thank

"No let's lets steel have it." Hiro says smiling

"Nice I'll contact everyone to let them know it's steel happening."

As I lay my head on hiros shoulder

"Are you sure your okay?" I
ask worried

"I'm fine gogo really, but thanks for careing" he smiles as I kiss his head

Hiro pov

In truth I'm actually nervous about the dance because just like Fred I can't dance that much. But I want to make gogo happy any way I can.

Hiro pov

I decide if i want to impress gogo I need to learn a few things

"Ow." I say to baymax

"I herd the sound of distress, what seems to be the problem Hiro?"

"Baymax I need your help. I really want to dance with gogo but I don't want to miss up. Can you show me how to dance right, like you did with Fred?"

"Yes, I will help you with your dance."

"Sweet but first I also need to go talk to Fred, be right back."

As I look to see Wasabi, Fred and Heathcliff seating tables and getting things ready.

"Hey guys."

"Oh hiro arn't you supposed to be resting?" Wasabi ask

"I know but Fred I need your help with geting a sute."

"Sure but why do you need a sute?"

"I um... I just I really want to make this night special for gogo will you please help me?"

Fred pov

Hiro is really growing up and I'm honored he came to me for help but I'm not sure how much help I can be but then I have an idea.

"Hey Heathcliff do you mind helping hiro here out?"

"Of couse master Frederick, come Mr, Harmada and we will find something for you."

Fred pov

"Hey Wasabi look at him."

"What Hiro?"

"Yeah man I mean like he really is growing up, im so glad Tadashi introduced him to us."

"Yeah me to." Wasabi says

"I mean yeah... I have my mom and dad but like when ever we are all together I actually feel like we are all family." I say smiling.

"Huh yeah."

Gogo pov

I'm really nervous about what hiro will thank when he sees me in my dress.

"Ugh I hate dress's so much."

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