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'Thoughts'   "Speaking"

(Hinata's P.O.V)

    I was having a dream about icecream and my bunny stuffy named Lilly when I woke. The sun was blinding. "ugh..." I grunted in response to the blinding sun through my cherry blossom curtains. My fluffy tangerine hair bouncing when I sit up. Smiling I step over things in my 'slightly' messed up room. Clothes, accesories, instruments, books, and art supplies scattered everywhere.

    'Today is my first day of school!'I thought . I looked at the time, 'Hmph 4:30, might as well get started' I went to my closet looking for clothes for the day. The more I tried on outfits the more I got frusterated. "UGH WHAT DO I WEAR?!" "SHUT UP SHOYO!!" Oops. That was my big sister natsu. She's in college. I hate waking her up because things get violent quickly.

    I can't beilieve she heard me since my room is all the way down the hallway. 'Welp, here we are.' I walk into her room and see her glaring daggers at me. "Sorry sis I was having problems on deciding what to wear." I exclaimed. "Yeah, yeah, welp I'm awake now so let's get this overwith." She stated. If you don't know what's she talking about. Lemme fill you in, everyday I worry over what to wear. She helps me most of the times because I seriously grow rapidly impatient. "Let's go!" (A/n, que the blinding smol bean smile) I hear her mumble something about how I have so much energy In the morning.

We ended up on this outfit:

We ended up on this outfit:

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(Not my photo)

    I wanted something edgy. And my sister thought I should get people to feel for my fashion. I have a long hair that goes past my shoulder-blades. It fits with my femine figure even though i'm a boy. I like my body either way. I put my hair into a high ponytail with my bangs hanging out. My natural curls givnng a wavy effect. After getting dressed, I packed up my black booksack with my pastel sketchbook.

Since today is the first day of school we don't have to wear uniforms. I cooked breakfast for today since I still had time. Getting the eggs and bacon. I butter up the pan and start cooking. While thats cooking I walk over to the bread bin and grab a few slices. Making jam from strawberries, I smelled like one myself. After the bacon and eggs cooked I placed them on the plates on the table. I spread strawberry jam over the now toasted bread and ate my breakfast.
I hear my sister, Mom, and Dad come down the stairs. "Mornin' " I exclaimed. Incoherent words came out my tired Mom and Dads mouth. My sister up and running glared at me. 'I guess she's in one of her moods.' After I finished eating I finally looked at the time. '6:22 got some time." I went to my room to look out the window and cuddle Lilly and wait. Lilly is my stuffed animal. I really like her. Even though I'm 15 I love it. This is how she looks like;

(Not my photo, got it on pinterest)

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(Not my photo, got it on pinterest)

      "SHOYO IT'S TIME TO GO!" Natsu yelled. "COMING!" I exclaimed. I flew downstairs to go to my new school. It's called Karasuno. They have a pretty nice education status and the famous 'Little Giant' went there. I love volleyball. I can play on any position. After hanging by backpack up on my shoulder I shout goodbye to my people. (A/n, Hinata's people is basically his family)

    Skipping to the coffee shop before I get to school, I pass early morning peopke and students. Walking into the cafe, I get hit with the smell of pastries and coffeebeans. "Hi, what may I get for you ma'am" the worker asks. As much as I hear people misgendering me the 'ma'am' annoyed me. I chose to ignore it though. "May I have a caramel latte?" The worker nods and gets working. As I look around the mostly empty shop, I see people most likely heading to work or school. The worker taps my shoulder. "Gah-!" I flinched. "Here yah go ma'am." "Thanks." I reply walking out the cafe. I see people outside starting at me. Me thinking because of my hair I smile and wave. Oblivious to the blushes that come.

    Walking to school only took 15 mins. 20 mins till school starts, I wander onto the school grounds. "Woah" I breathed out. Karasuno it an pretty big school, I start walking inside oblivous (Again) to those stares. I hear squeaking shoes and balls bouncing. I might of forgotton to metion. I am an exchange student from Toyko. So todays my first day here In the middle of the semester. Hehe sorry about that.

   I'm supposed to be looking for someone with black hair and glasses to show me around. I also know that they're the volleyball clubs manager. But, not their gender. I seem to have found her. She must of been a thirt year with her taller and sophisticated stature. "Are you Hinata Shoyo?" She asks, mildly suprised since she was supposed to show around a guy. "Yes!" I answer cheerfully. "Well I'm Kiyoko Shimizu." She states. I see the confused look on her face and state, "I'm a boy don't worry." She chuckles and nods. We start the tour getting looks from students and hearing whispers.

'Woah is that the new student?'
'She's pretty'
'That outfit is hot'
'Her hair is long'
'I wonder if she's single'

I sigh as Kiyoko chuckles. Swinging my ponytail over my shoulder and crossing my arms while pouting my apple plump lips. I look around ignoring everyone exept Kiyoko. 'Let's see how this day will become.' I sign in my mind.

A/N: Thanks guys so far! I finished a chapter already! This is my first book. I never wrote before. I would love for yall to comment and give some constructive tips. I don't own any pictures used. I also will be looking for ideas in the comments. Thanks for reading!! <3

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