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it was morning and it was way to early for me to be wiled awake, it was probably 7:15 i don't know, i just know it was 7:00 something.

i woked up crystal and Emily so they could get ready to go see the apartments at 9:00 or was it 10:00 ? i have no idea, i should really start to remember things now.

well i decided to take a shower. a couple minutes later cause the girls didn't wake the fuck up.

i took an hour in the shower cause while i was taking a shower i kept thinking about gilinsky. why ? idk why i was thinking about him. i felt like shit ! i don't know why I'm pushing jack away from my life.i really want to be his but i don't want to get hurt.

once i got out of the shower i went to the room and was trying to figure out what i was going to wear. Emily & crystal left the room to eat breakfast cause my aunt told us to come & eat before we left to see the apartments later.

well when i was trying to find out an outfit i got a call from Matt.

"hey what happen ?"

i said while looking for something to wear.

"hey beautiful !"

he said in a really happy way.

" are you trying to make me blush ? cause if you are then you did. *laughs*"

i said

" *laughs* yeah i was & are you still down to hangout today with me & the guys?"

he says

" yeah why ?"

i told him

"i just asking. so what time do you want me to pick you & the girls up ?"

he asked me

"umm i don't know i'll text you when iget to my uncles. "

i told him

" ok. ayy just send me the address ok beautiful."

he said

" ok "

i told him

i stopped texting Matt after that. i went to the mirror & started to do my makeup. when i finished my makeup i went to the kitchen and grabbed some food my aunt had made for breakfast.

the girls went to get ready once they finished their breakfast. while i was eating i noticed that Emily & jessi kept on looking at each other in a strange way & they seemed mad at each other. i don't know its probably just me.

well once the girls were finished getting ready i grabbed my Purus & my phone & told my aunt if should could take us to downtown LA so we could rent a car so we could go see the apartments. she said to take her car & just gave us her car keys.i called the girl & told them if they got what they needed to leave, they both said yeah & just grabbed their peruses.

we got in the car & drove down to LA. it was a beautiful day ! & it was hot as hell outside ! aha i really missed hot weather , its abit chilly in Chicago that's why.

while i was driving to downtown LA i wanted Starbucks ! ( Starbucks is bae ) i told the girls if they wanted Starbucks so when i found one i could stop by & get something they both said yeah.

when i found this Starbucks near by enough i stopped by. i went inside instead of the drive thou. when i stepped inside i hear someone say "OMFG !! carter look it Stephanie and half of her squad !!!!" turned head everywhere to see who said that & guess who it was ?? Maggie , i love her to death ! shes so funny & she doesn't give a fuck. once i saw her she came running towards me and the girls & gave us hugs. she asked us if we were going to go to the jacks later tonight ,crystal & i told he nahh & Emily said maybe just to surprise Johnson. i told her that Matt had invited us to hang out with him and the other guys but that all idk with who or where.

while Emily and Maggie were talking crystal & i went to older our caramel frappes and an ice tea for Emily. once i ordered carter kept mocking me , hes such a lil bitch lmao , hes a chill person but really cool to talk to. i went over where he was & told him what he wanted & he nothing but then tells me how I'm doing and all this and that.

after a while they called our order up. it was getting late & told Maggie and carter that we'll see them later with Matt.

well we met up with the lady who was going to show us the apartments, the apartment we saw , ehh well we didn't like them expect one of them & i think looks pretty great to live in theirs 3 bed room & the huge oh & it has their own bathrooms , the price of the apartment was a good deal the girls & me think this might be the apartment were looking for , but when i saw it it kinda look familiar . its like I've been in the house before idk.

we told the lady that we'll make up our mind today if we want it or not maybe around 7:00 or 8:00 we'll call her.

when we were leaving i got a text from Matt while i walking walking to the car saying he was on his way to my uncles house, i told him ok that ill be their in a bit.

once we got to my uncles house i saw my cousin jessi and some of his friends i knew they were in front of his house. i parked my aunts car in the drive thou. when the girls & i got out of the car i heard one of my cousins Friend say hey mrs. Karasoff to Emily i didn't know why they said that to her cause that was my last name & jessi's. Emily got really pissed and said "stfu!" and went crying inside the house, i even heard jessi say "wtf dude that shit wasn't cool, do that again & I'm a beat the crap out of you !".

crystal and me went inside as fast as we could to see what was up & why they called her that. we went in the room we were staying in and we found her crying on the bed with a pillow over her face.we tryed to make her stop crying and explain why they called her Mrs.karasoff. when we asked her that she stopped crying and told us she had to tell us something important & to not be mad at her for not telling us. she told us that her and jessi had slept together and that she lost her virginity with him . she told us that she was to drunk that time she mat him the first time and that she regets everything, & that she went out with him in secrets & when they broke up he got pissed off and that's why he left the tour with my cousin Ashley.

i wasn't mad at when she told us but i just didn't know why she was too scared to tell us sooner & her losing her virginity with my cousin yeah that was nasty to hear but i didn't care. i just wanted her to lose it with someone she really loves.

well crystal and me told her to stop crying & to forget about everything & just focus about what she wants now & to get ready to leave cause Matt was on his way over to pick us up to leave idk where.

mely touched up her makeup so did me and crystal. then i got a text from Matt saying that he was in front to hurry up. i told the girls that we had to leave already cause Matt was already here and we grabbed our peruses and left.

when i went outside i told my cousin that we had to talk later tonight , he said wat about & i told him to not worry about it oh and he also asked me where was i going told him that i was gonna hang out with some friends and to tell my brother i was gonna be home maybe by 7:00 or 8:00 & that we might buy this apartment we saw today.

i saw matt inside his jeep he told me to go in the passengers seat so i did. the girls went in the back seats. i asked him where were we going he said that we were going to the jacks to hang out i looked back at crystal & Emily with a terrified look on my face & Matt told me if that was a problem i told him it wasn't that i was ok hanging out with them.

goshh i was really scared I'm going to see gilinsky, fuck it. ill try to be cool with him now hopefully nothing goes wrong today.
I hope you guys liked chapter 8 I'll try to post chapter 9 tomorrow ok.
Sorry it I haven't been posting anything. If you guys want to see the outfits the girls are wearing go on IG and follow us on there .
IG : hertruelovefanfic

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