chapter 9

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I cant believe emily lost her virginity with jessi , like I already knew she lost her virginity but I had thought it was johnson not jessi, well damn that bitch went on the yolo life or what ,lmao I can't believe I said yolo.

2 hours later

Once Matt picked us up and got to I think his place ,Stephanie was acting weird she wanted to go back to her uncles house I have no idea why.
When we all got out matts car I saw gilinsky out in front of the house on his phone.
Now I knew why steph was acting weird, she didn't want to be there cause of him, I agree with her I don't like him I have a bad feeling about him Idk why, I just do.
I Feel like if they ever go out hes going to hurt Stephanie and I don't want that for her ,her last break up was with Jake miller he wasn't a terrible boyfriend he just never had time to see her the second year them made together , she literally took half a year of not going to the studio or going on tour or acting. That's how much she really loved and cared about her relationship, and he didn't do anything he would try sometime but then blow her off on the plains he made for them two cause he had to go to a meeting or blah blah blah excuses everywhere.

Once we opened up the gate for the house we were going in I saw that jack was looking at Stephanie , steph was just look down at the ground, I think shes trying to ignore him.
Once we got in the house Sammy stood up and ran up to Stephanie giving her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

3 hours later
*8:00 pm*
"Hey steph we should probably go back to ur uncles place cause Matt getting tippsy. And we don't have a ride back over there." I tell steph

"Um yeah sure I'll call an uber to pick us up. I'll go find Emily to tell her if she's staying or coming with us ok." She tells me calmly

"Sure, I'm a go to the bathroom before we leave." I told her as she went walking to the kitchen.

While I was in the bathroom I heard all this screaming going on, at first I thought it was the guys screaming cause of the lakers game they we're watching but once I got out the bathroom it was gilinsky screaming at Stephanie and Stephanie screaming back at him , Sam ,Nate, & Emily were screaming at gilinsky cause he was treating steph like shit. I saw steph face , her eyes were getting watery and her face was all red ,she only makes that face when ever someone makes her feel bad about her self and she pissed at them. I knew what does when ever that happens she starts getting all tuff and ready to punch a bitch.

I didn't know Stephanie was coming over to my house, I though she didn't want anything to do with me. Oh well fuck it, at least I get to see her.

Hours later
I just had gotten off the phone with my mom she just called to say hi and how were thing going in LA, well once I ended the call with her I saw Matt and Carter park in front of my house , I was sitting on the stairs waiting for them to come in , out of the no where I see Crystal Emily and Stephanie get out the car , wait Matt ? Had brought them here , what the fuck I officially just want to beat the fuck out of Matt ! How could he do this to me , he knew how much I really liked her!?
Well when Stephanie was opening the gate to get in she was looking at the ground its like of she didn't want to look at me or something, Crystal gave me a dirty ass look I don't know why she gave me it but w.e , I always felt like she never liked me.
Once everyone went inside I went to the backyard just to chill by myself for a second.
I heard a bunch of screaming from inside the house , the guys we probably happy the girls were here, I hard Sam scream STEPHANIE !!! And laughter lol.

Once I went inside & I went into my room to grab the vacoka that was in there , yeah I have vacoka in that bitch like why not ,lol. I went to the living room where everyone was at and all I hear is Nate saying "NOW WERE TALKING BIG GUNS BABY" & Sam the same thing, I heard Stephanie laugh when they said that. Her laugh is the most adorable thing I've ever heard before.

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