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(lmao blue x black thing no they arent marshmallows they're in a human form but they just have their spacesuit things on)

(this short thing is like 2 parts long and is told from a third person POV)


The blood was literally everywhere.

On him, on the knife, on the metal floors and on Lime's body, which was horribly mutilated.

No regrets.

None at all.

Lime wasn't dead yet, but he stared up at the cruel person that was his friend.

Who turned on him..

The burning and aching feeling from the stab wounds were slowly being dulled out as his blood slowly emptied itself out of his body.

With little to no energy to even whimper, say anything at all, he just watched as the man stood over him with no emotion.

And.. his vision was getting darker, his body starting to freeze over and get colder..


Black had some tasks to do in electrical.

He had already finished most of them - the card slider, the reactors, the asteroid game which took him a little bit of effort..

All he had to do left were the wires in electrical.

He hadn't found out what had happened there.. nobody had.

Jogging, he took some turns..


Right.. straight ahead after that..

It's there. Electrical.

I mean, the wires were pretty simple, just connect blue to blue.. and red to red.. and pink to-


What the fuck.

Instant shock went through him as he stared at the scene happening right now.

.. He... he's dead.

He was mutilated, stabbed multiple times in the chest and back.


The person just stood over him, still.

Blood. Everywhere. Oh my god.

... the only three colours I saw in this moment..

Red... lime..


...and Blue.

"Blue... wh-what the fuck.."

His head snapped around, and he instantly looked at Black in fear, the blood-stained knife he held dropping onto the floor.


Black stared at him in complete shock, still trying to process what he was seeing.

"You're the imposter."

Walking toward him, he roughly shoved the other man onto the floor, and slammed the electrical door shut.

"No.. no- don't kill me! Please Blue!!"

Scrambling away on his ass, he pushed himself until he was back against a wall, shaking in fear.

He didn't want to die. Not at the hands of his friend.

Looking away, he shut his eyes, only hearing the footsteps from Blue getting closer to him.

"P-please.. Blue.. I don't WANNA DIE!!"

He stopped walking toward Black.

"I won't... I won't tell anybody what I-I saw.. just please do-don't hurt me.."

"I'll do anything!"



"Yes, anything! Just don't kill me.."


Taking his gun, he smirked, and walked toward Black again, trying to scare him.

In response, Black just looked down, attempting to avoid eye contact.

He was scared as hell right now.

"N-no.. please, Blue.."

Meanwhile, nobody else had even noticed what was happening, or even walked past electrical.

However, White had found it slightly suspicious that he hasn't seen Black, Blue or Lime ever since he was in the cafeteria with them about 20 minutes ago.

He hoped that it wasn't what he thought was happening... Black was his best friend, and he didn't want anything to happen to him.

So, he decided to walk around to look for them. Might take a bit of time.


Unzipping his ""trousers"" (yes theyre in a spacesuit thing, no this doesnt make any sense.) , he took them off, and put his gun away, kicking it all the way to Lime's corpse.

Black was still looking away, his eyes closed... although he did hear the unzipping of... trousers?


His curiosity made him open his eyes and look up.


"What.. what are you gonna d-do to me..?"

He flushed slightly, slowly realising what was about to happen.

"Open your mouth."


Shocked, he froze.

What the fuck was Blue saying...

But he didn't wanna die...


"Open it.."

Slowly, he did...

...and Blue.

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