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(nsfw warning for this)


Slowly, he did..

Blue took his own dick in his hands, and put all of it inside of Black's mouth.

From shock, Black's eyes widened and he started to choke.

He didn't expect this.. and he already hated it.


Again, he did as he was told to, and started to suck. It wasn't helping that the long meatstick was just casually sitting there at the back of his throat, and that he was against a wall.

"Mmh..~ do I have to help you or s-something?"

Taking his hair in his hands, he started to move his head up and down, sort of bobbing it almost.

Black did nothing but whimper and look up at Blue with upset and pleading eyes.

All he wanted was for this to end.

The only mildly decent thing about this were the taller male's groaning and quiet moans, which nobody else heard.

But he wasn't satisfied. Not at all. He wanted- no, needed more.

Pushing his head down further, he watched with a grin as Black gagged and violently shook, his whole body twitching..

At this point, he wasn't even sucking anymore. He was just choking and crying, his brows furrowed as he did.

The weight on the back of his head was too much to combat, and it got stronger every time he would try to push himself off of Blue's dick.

His hair was a mess now, and the bobbing and pushing only got faster, and rougher.

"F-Fuck.. Stop resisting, idiot. J-just suck..~"

He got faster and faster, and more gagging and choking noises could be heard.

Black was sobbing at this point. It hurt and he wished he never walked into here.

To stop him from moving around, he grabbed his arms and pinned them against the wall, moving Black's head onto the wall for comfortability.

White was now in security, still checking for Lime, Blue and Black.

He was starting to get very concerned, and he started to get more nervous as he walked out of security and into the reactor.

Lime's corpse was just sitting there against the wall, lifeless and empty.

It stared at Blue while he roughly face-fucked Black.

It reminded him of his crime.


Feeling nice, he pulled his dick out of the smaller male's mouth, allowing him to breath.

"Haah.. B-blue.. co-could.. you?"

Hearing his name, he just stared at Black with a grin, panting.

"Be quiet, slut. You should be happy that you aren't dead right now.."

At this, he just squirmed, seeing Blue in a different light now.

Orange was also getting concerned about Lime.

Where was he...?!

The last person he saw him with was.. Blue.. no..

He saw them near.. electrical? Oh god.

He stopped doing his card slider task, and started to run toward electrical.


He was still being handled roughly, his mouth full with his meat.

Now, Blue was shoving him down to his base, choking him purposefully.

Black was still choking, and tried to not puke.

His dick harshly twitched in his mouth, and his eyes widened.

No.. nonono.. he isn't gonna cum in his mouth, is he?!

But, all was stopped when they suddenly heard banging on the shut door.


White banged at the door, and Orange heard the commotion too.

So did Pink and Purple.

They all watched as White broke the door down, running inside of here.

All four of them went inside, and were instantly shocked at what they were seeing.

"Black?! What-"

White looked at Blue face fucking him, blood all-over his spacesuit, ruining it's warm color.

Black pushed Blue away, and choked on his spit, crying.

"H-help.. he ki-killed Lime!"

At this, Orange instantly stared at Blue in shock,as did Pink, who looked like she was going to cry, and Purple, who was just trying to process everything.

"What. The. FUCK?!"


end lmao

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