~~~ Patience Is A Virtue ~~~

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"So we're going back out to face the Trolls?" Bryce asked when the family were long gone.

The three of them were still sitting at the table, L couldn't stop thinking about the young Elf, Dryden. He was barely older than a child, his face passed in front of L's eyes after seeing the illusion his parents had conjured. She had everything she needed to go out and search for him, and that's exactly what she planned to do.

"Look, I know it was bad last time, but we know what we're up against now. He may not even be with the Trolls, we're just going to search for him."

An emotion crossed Bryce's face, L wasn't sure what it was but he didn't look at all eager.

"You don't have to come, it was much worse for you... before. I don't want you to have to go through anything like that again. The same goes for you." She peered at Robbie, who hadn't said a word in some time.

"Think again, I can't wait to get my claws in any Troll that gets in our way." He did look eager and L smiled at his attitude.

"L," Bryce began, and he was rubbing his brow. "I know you're trying to fill the time while you wait for the potion, but this is more dangerous than our usual exploits. Should we be doing it?"

L was surprised to hear Bryce trying to talk his way out of a rescue mission. She stared into his eyes, seeing that same emotion again and she suddenly realised it was a touch of fear. Her voice softened and she took his hand in hers.

"I'm sorry, I know it sounds like I'm running headfirst into danger but I promise you I'm not. This boy is in real trouble, his family are distraught, and he doesn't deserve to be just left out there alone."

"He might not even be alive anymore, L. You could be risking your life, all of our lives, for nothing."

L snorted loudly, taking her hand back from Bryce's. "A bit like my parents then?"

"No, L, I didn't mean-"

"Well it's true, they could be dead and I could be risking my life in Paguea for no reason. But, there's also the possibility that they are still alive and that's why I'm going. As long as there's a sliver of hope, I'll do whatever it takes. The same goes for this boy. Now, I'm going and I think it's probably best you stay here."

L stood up and left the room, she didn't want to argue with him and his words were hitting a nerve. She heard the door open behind her and suddenly she was being turned around. She half expected it to be Robbie checking on her but Bryce was the one staring back and he looked annoyed.

"Don't just walk out like you get the final say on what happens." He stormed.

"Don't talk to me like I'm an impulsive child then!" L retorted.

"Look, I wasn't trying to imply that your parents situation is anything like this, you read into that yourself-" L tried to interrupt but Bryce stopped her. "No, let me finish. I want you to be sure you're doing the right thing. You saw those Trolls and what they're capable of, one lone Elf wouldn't stand a chance. All we'd be doing is going out there to confirm his death.

"Do you see that? I know you like to help, and you don't want him to be abandoned, but do you know the odds of him still being alive? Think about it, really think about it. Is it worth going up against the Trolls just to deliver that bad news?"

L stared wide eyed at him, "I can't believe you're saying that, you don't think his family deserve answers? And you don't even know if he is dead, he could have escaped the Trolls and be hiding somewhere."

L was all but shouting at him now, his attitude was so out of character she couldn't make it fit with the Bryce she knew.

"I do think they deserve answers, but why does it have to be you who supplies those answers?"

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