Chapter One

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A/N: PLEASE PLEASE READ!! Hi, so as you guys have noticed, I'm republishing this story. Now as you guys go back to reading the chapters, you will notice there are a lot of newer scenes that weren't there before. That is intentional. I have deleted a lot of the older scenes and replaced them with new scenes just for a better flow. However, I have not changed any characters, professions or major plot events. I also do feel when I was re-editing the old chapters that there were A LOT of "WTF" moments in the story that just didn't add up. Hence, I will edit and publish the old chapters as I go. With that being said, promise there will be no major changes and the story will stay the same for the most part. If you have any questions, throw them my way. I will be happy to answer them. Happy reading!

"Did I regret it? No, of course not! I don't know why the media is glorifying this man. I kicked that motherfucker's ass and chopped him up into tiny little pieces. It's what the bastard deserved."

"Jesus." Araaya whispered, scooping a small amount of cupcake batter with a spoon and then placing it in her mouth. "Mmm, too good Araaya." She said to no one in particular. She finished scooping equal portions of the batter into the muffin tin, the true crime podcast playing on her phone being the only sound filling the kitchen. Abhimanyu had flew out to Nigeria last night for the start of their new factory site's production. She had only found out from the maid when she came down for breakfast in the morning. It was the first time in two weeks she had the house all to herself ever and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.

Just as she was placing the muffin tin into the oven, her phone began ringing. She quickly washed her hands before patting them dry on her apron.

"Hello uncle." She answered with a smile, pressing the phone to her ear.

"Hello Araaya beta, are you busy today?" Ronit answered back.

Araaya could hear quiet chatter in the background, so she figured he went into the office today. That came as a surprise to her. Ever since Karan and Abhimanyu had taken over their family business, Ronit hardly ever went in. Quite frankly, he didn't have to.

"Um," she paused for a brief moment as she changed the oven settings to begin baking the cupcakes. "No uncle, I'm free. Did you need something?"

"Would you be able to stop by the office later?"

Concern laced Araaya's voice. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything's good. Just needed to chat with you about something."

She thought hard for a second. She didn't have any work to do in the house. The maid had already come by in the morning and done everything. She also had nowhere to be. With no current job, she had all the time in the world to kill.

"Sure uncle, I'll be there."

After she hung up, Araaya couldn't help but wonder what could have been so important that Ronit simply couldn't discuss over the phone. Was Kalyani okay? She sucked in a sharp breath before placing a hand over her chest to calm her breathing. Of course she was okay. She had to be okay. If it had been something to do with Kalyani, Ronit wouldn't have been so calm over the phone.

She took off her apron and flung it onto the countertop, something Abhimanyu would never have allowed her to do. The man had an obsessive compulsive disorder according to her. One tiny thing would move from its place and he would create a havoc.

It had only been two weeks since Abhimanyu and Araaya had gotten married, but for the two of them, it felt longer than a decade. It wasn't something either of them wanted. When Araaya's grandmother passed away last month, she asked Abhimanyu for a last wish; he would marry his granddaughter and forever protect her at all costs. To say he was taken back at first would be an understatement. But his heart was in a turmoil, not having it in him to refuse her.

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