Chapter Two

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Updated on: 9/30/20

Araaya drummed her fingers on the desk, leaning her elbows on the table to watch a distressed Ronit pacing across the room helplessly. He kept glancing down at his watch, then his phone and then towards the door, somehow magically hoping Ishana would appear. She sat with a slight close lipped smile and eyebrow raised. All the praises he had sung about Ishana and she couldn't even manage to be on time on her first day?

"I'm here, sorry! Sorry, gosh it's been hectic!" The door opened behind her and a voice rushed in. "Uncle, I'm so sorry! But I'm here!" The unfamiliar face panted, slamming down her thick stack of files, purse, keys, laptop, phone and coffee all down on the table. The woman was a complete mess.

"Hi." She flashed Araaya an award winning smile before turning back to Ronit who was glowering down at her. "Hi uncle."

"Ishana, you were supposed to be here," he paused looking down at the gold watch on his wrist. "42 minutes ago to be precise."

"What do I say, uncle? The party went on so late last night and you know I have a hard time waking up early."

"But you didn't have a hard time waiting in the Starbucks drive thru line for your coffee?" Ronit challenged. She flashed him an embarrassed smile, her eyes glistening as she squeezed the cup tighter in her hand.

"Won't happen again, I promise."

"Okay okay, I want you guys to get started as soon as possible. If possible, make it happen within two days before Abhi gets back."

"Kyun uncle?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him. "Are you scared of Abhi?"

The old man scoffed, waving her off with a shrug. "No, of course not."

After instructing Ishana to first tour Araaya around the facility before getting started on anything, he left the duo alone.

"Hi Araaya, I'm Ishana." The woman beamed, putting her hand forward.

"So you are Ishana Batra, the pretty face behind the name."

Ishana flushed a crimson red as she tilt her head back.

"Uncle's hairs have grown white chanting about you."

"Really? Good things I hope."

"Great things," Araaya corrected. they stepped into the hallway. "It appears that I have tough competition of being uncle's favorite." Araaya joked in a playful manner as the two women stepped into the foyer.

"Certainly not, who am I to compete with his new daughter-in-law?"

Araaya's smile was quick to dim. With Abhimanyu being gone, she had almost forgot about the new label she shared with his family.

"I heard the good news about you and Abhi. I'm sorry I was on a work trip when the reception was held so I couldn't attend, but congratulations."

"Oh please, what can possibly be good about living with that sadumanyu? Baat karne ki tho usko tameez nahi hai." She mumbled the last part to herself, unsure of whether she could trust this girl to speak her thoughts aloud. She had just met the woman. She could be a secret spy Abhimanyu had hired just to keep close tabs on her and she wouldn't know. She had zero trust in that man.

"Sadu-manyu?" Ishana's eyebrows rose astoundingly. Araaya almost thought she would be offended for her friend, but she felt relief wash over when she heard her chuckle. "I like it."

Araaya couldn't help but notice almost all the employees who passed them shot Ishana either smiles, waves or nods to Ishana as they walked past. It seemed like she was well liked by everyone and Araaya could see why. Her vibrant personality shone through the headquarters.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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