A Gardener's Prattle

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Hearing stories about the High Lord and Lady's Riverside House did not prepare her for its vast beauty. A soft glow came off the stone in the morning light as the dark wings behind her carried them towards the large house. The male behind her did not smile anymore, his hazel eyes focussed on their destination, gaze unreadable, but not with negative feelings.

"A gorgeous piece of architecture isn't it?" Voice flat, no longer amsused or sad, simply low.

"I... I suppose," was her only reply.

"The High Lady designed it herself, Rhys could never dream of making something so beautiful."

Confused eyes turned to meet his own, "You call him... Rhys?"

He snorted in her ear then muttered an apolgoy, "Sometimes I forget you've lived in the Hewn City for your whole life. We're like a family here." Face scrunching up, she turned back to watch as he landed them outside large iron gates. She slid out of his grip more easily than she had Cassian's last night.

Rough hands reached to pull open one side of the gate, and he waved her through infront of him. Uncomfortable, was one word to describe how having him walk behind her, just like how he had done the evening before to push her towards those huge thrones. Following behind her, feet steady, wings tucked in and hands loose by his sides, Azriel kept a pleasant distance, as if he knew she had tensed up the moment she moved ahead.

They stopped on the front steps, large oak doors, one of them cracked open and she watched his shadows move, swift in the dark, scouting ahead to sense out who and where was in the house.

"We'll eat in the kitchen, third left." The monotiny put her on edge, somehow she knew 'we' included many people she had spent her life fearing. Stumbling over the front step, pushing gently into the front hall. Thankfully the house was bright, sun streaming in.

She gazed at the walls, beautiful paintings that were painted by no other than the High Lady of the Night Court. Truly, she was an amazing artist. Azriel grunted behind her as they passed a particuarly complimentive painting of the High Lord, perhaps not as well dressed as he should have been in a public hall. Anella's eyes lingered for long enough that he chuckled and over took her to lead the way down the corridor.

His broad figure shadowed the door, broad wings not even reaching the top of the doorframe, so obviously designed for Illyrian wings. "Good morning, my dearest friends," bored. Anella was pleased she could already read his feelings, but she wondered if 'bored, amused or empty' even counted. Shuffling in behind him, she was fast enough to see the High Lord and Lady, alongside who she assumed from the stories was the middle Archeron sister, Elain, turn to smile at Azriel in surprise.

"Cassian and Mor still out of it?" The High Lord asked, just as he flicked his fingers to make more plates appear.

"Are they ever in it?" Yet again, acting what seemed completely out of character for the silent spymaster.

Feyre, the High Lady narrowed her eyes towards her shadowsinger, "Good night Az?"

Anella slid into the chair furthest from the others, allowing Azriel to take the one without a back. Her morning companion dipped his chin towards Feyre and grinned, she looked taken aback at his blatant smirk and glanced to Rhys.

"Trust me Feyre darling, you do not want to know what it is that unwound him, thinking about it confuses me, even after knowing him for 500 years it's still out of character, so don't even try."

The High Lady turned to watch Azriel for a moment longer, before sliding her blue eyes onto Anella, giving her a wide smile. She stank of sex, it hit Anella like a wave and she blinked, glancing towards the High Lord, Rhysand, and bowing her head slightly.

"Good morning, I thank you for your hospitality."

Rhysand smirked at her, "I trust you had a good night."

"I- the room was lovely, in uh- the House of Wind," she was unsure how to speak to these powerful rulers, "my lord."

"Oh please call me Rhys, titles bore me within my own court, and breakfast is too early for all this nonsense."

Dipping her head to him, she glanced over to Elain and quietly said, "I heard you are the gardener of this house, I love those purple bushes, the smell is simply heavenly."

Lady Archeron smiled back at her and told her some long name of the plant that she would never remember. "It's one of my favourites, really brightens up the garden and it doesn't block too much light to the smaller shrubs like a tree would."

Elain chattered on, and ever the lady, Anella nodded along and made small comments. She was fairly well practised in courtlike conversations, small talk and pointless prattle. The others also smiled and nodded at Elain as she kept blabbing on about her garden. The light in Feyre's eyes was no short of blunt joy, and Anella remembered the tales of the Saviour of Prythian's human life. How hard she had worked to make her ungrateful sisters happy, and now they were happy. Well, Elain was happy. Anella had no clue where the eldest sister was but she had to be happy as well right?

Finally, Feyre started speaking, allowing her sister to fall silent. "So how are you this morning, Anella I believe?" At this, Rhys looked up to watch her, but before she could speak, the shadowsinger at her side answered "It's her first day out of the Hewn City after an incredibly stressful evening having to sit with Cassian despite the fact she's obviously gay, and you ask her how she is? As if it isn't clear enough?"

Slowly, so slowly, she turned her head to stare at him in horror, then quietly, so quietly asked "What..." She could swear she wasn't breathing. Azriel openly laughed and shook his head, "Sorry, couldn't resist."

Anella stared at him wide eyed, stared and stared and stared. Until he looked back at her from his plate and swore. Elain blinked at her plate then clicked her jaw and gently put the cutlery on her plate. The High Lord and Lady exchanged a glance and Rhys turned a broad smile on her and rose to his feet picking up the empty plates, despite the fact he could just use magic. Feyre plastered on a smile and asked Elain something about a book, but Anella couldn't hear the words, yes she could see Feyre's mouth moving, but it was like she was underwater.

Azriel reached over and prodded the back of her hand with a finger, "Apologies, my lady," he murmured. Anella blinked and shook her head.

"No matter," was all she could manage. The shadowsinger's eyes betrayed his worry as he got to his feet to take his own plate, and hers, his hand gently brushing the backs of their hands, starting towards the counter top. The High Lord slid back into a chair and squeezed his mate's hand.

"We should discuss your plans, Anella." Violet eyes turned to regard her as she shifted in her seat, a quick glance towards where Azriel was faffing at the counter, obviously trying to give her space.

"I am at your service, High Lord." Feyre laughed and patted her mate condescendingly.

"Ah yes, High Lord, we are all at your service."

She flushed and tried to apologise but Rhys shook and brushed it off.

"You are welcome to travel wherever you like, we're happy to winnow you wherever you wish." Eyes widening, Anella blinked once and opened and shut her mouth.

"We have a meeting with a representitive from the Day Court, but we can help you more after lunch."

"Oh... thank you..."

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