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[1] 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫


     “one, two, three. Pose!” the photographer’s voice echoed throughout the room, followed by the clicking noises of a camera in the middle of the room. Hyunjin observed how the man would change positions, from a lower position on the floor so suddenly kneeling at a different angle. All meanwhile Bang Chan would slightly change his pose, keeping that same serious facial expression. He was so focused on the task of the man, he did not noticed the person who was now standing by his side, seemingly too lost on thought to even acknowledge the now speaking man, who softly called his name…but it went through deaf ears as the pinkette kept staring at the back of the staff member.

Unluckily for him, the outfit that was selected for him to use was a simple black dressing shirt made of silk. Hyunjin would have no problem with wearing this, after all the material felt so soft against his skin, and the slight oversize of the shirt made it easier to move around. However, what was currently troubling him was the coldness of the room. Because of the thin material, Hyunjin felt himself shivering whenever someone would make the slightest move next to him thus, why he was currently away from the others. He did not want to cause trouble to the staff, so he kept quiet and decided to deal with the cold…at least until his own body betrayed him and it started to shake a bit more intensely, which caught the attention of his fellow band mate. Finally, once he felt a warm material being placed over his shoulders, Hyunjin noticed the person next to him.

“if you are cold, why didn’t you tell the staff?” Felix asked with a bright smile, which caused the older to shyly looked away as he brought his hand to hold the soft material. Hyunjin could feel how his heartbeat became faster than before, and how his body started to warm up…but not only because of the sweater.

“thank you Lix, but aren’t you cold?” Felix shook his head, crossing his arms as he faced his body towards Hyunjin, showing the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing, which reached his fingertips.

“I’ll be alright” for a second Hyunjin found himself lost in the smile of his best friend. The way his eyes would close as his pearly white teeth show, the way his smile would tilt just slightly to one side more, the very subtle scrunching of his nose…it was just a sight that Hyunjin never got tired of. He could not help but smile back at the younger, who let out a small chuckle that made the pinkette confused.

“I think the sweater suits you best, it looks way too big on me” Hyunjin could not help but snickered at the small pout Felix made, and the playful eyeroll he gifted his elder with. On the other side, Felix felt his body relaxed as he noticed the shivering of his bandmate has stopped…but oddly enough his ears remained a slight red hue.

“really? Well, I think it looks adorable on you” Hyunjin softly said, slowly drifting his sight from the blonde back towards the photographer, who seemed judgmental of the last photos he took, soon calling for Minho to join Chan for a double shooting. “but I think anything looks adorable on you”

“thank you Hyunnie” Felix chuckled as he rested his back against the same wall Hyunjin was on, which did not help at all the pinkette’s heart.

“but do you know what would make them look better?” Hyunjin asked with a slight mischievous tone, which brought curiosity into Felix’s mind.


“they would look better on my bedroom floor” Hyunjin said with a slight smirk, but the confident look on his face was the complete opposite of his mind, which was anxious at how the younger would react at such blunt statement. Fortunately, or unfortunately for his heart, Felix simply started laughing, taking his words as a simple joke rather than a half truth, which slightly hurt the pinkette.

“really? Well, why don’t we try it out and see?” Felix replied with a soft wink, which made Hyunjin stare wide-eyed at him as he clenched the material of his shirt, his ears turning a dark red as he had not expected the younger to flirt back. He could feel his heart beating even faster, his knees slightly becoming weak as he imagined the no so innocent scenarios where that could had happened…but his daydream was cut short by the sudden blast of laughter Felix let out, which confused Hyunjin.

“I-It was just a joke Hyung, don’t look so shock” the blonde reassured, not knowing his words only caused pain and not comfort as he had intended. “Of course,” thought Hyunjin as he sighed, but gave a small smile to his best friend to not worry him.

“Felix!” a familiar voice spoke, quickly gaining the attention of both males as they turned to face said person. However, while one of the smiles remained as bright as ever, the other one disappeared as soon as he saw who called.

“Channie~ are you done with your parts?” Felix asked as he stood straight, completely facing Chan, who only kept his sight glued on Felix, not really acknowledging Hyunjin. The latter simply observed silently.

“yeah, the photographer wasn’t quite pleased with the results, but he decided they were good enough” Chan said with an awkward laugh as he scratched the back of his neck, accidentally messing the neck of his shirt with the movement of his arm.

“oi, stop you are ruining your shirt” Felix said as he quickly grabbed Chan’s arm, pulling it away softly as he steeped closer to the leader as he fixed the neck. Chan’s smile faded slightly as he observed Felix’s actions, he gulped and moved his hands to the blonde’s waist, not noticing the piercing glare Hyunjin was giving him. However, once Felix was done fixing the shirt, he made no attempt to remove Chan’s hands…but instead placed his own on the latter’s chest, gifting him a brighter smile than the one Hyunjin had saw minutes ago.

The pinkette could not help but to grow weak at the sight, his heart aching the longer he kept staring at the “lovely” scene on his front. Suddenly he felt numb, his previous smile now tinted with a depressing gloom as he saw how shiny Felix’s eyes had become once they were locked with Chan’s…it was a shine he had never seen on Felix’s eyes when he spoke to him, which only fueled into that intolerable pain that was spreading through him, like a poisonous venom that he could not find the cure of.

“Fe-“ but before he could finish his words, the photographer had called for him to do his part. Hyunjin glanced at the man holding the camera, simply nodding as he retrieved the sweater that was placed on his shoulder, placing the material on a nearby chair. He glanced back at Felix, his eyes pleading for something, even the slightest hint that his mind was just playing with him and what he worst feared was not real. Almost immediately, Felix turned to face him, giving him that beautiful smile that never failed to make Hyunjin weak at his knees…but this time it felt distant than the last…like if the blonde was hiding something behind those dark orbs.

“fighting Hyunnie” he whispered yelled, before returning his full attention to Chan, who seemed unwilling to pull his hands off Felix.

Hyunjin smiled sadly at the younger, his eyes becoming slightly glossy as he walked towards the camera. He could not cry, he would not allow himself to cry in front of him…at least, not anymore. He had to remain strong, perhaps what he witnessed was nothing more than the typical friendly Felix.

But that did not help his cracking heart.

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