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[𝟓] 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫


     The small whimpers of a man were heard on the desolated hallway, which light was turned off by the lack of people passing by to keep it alive. If the cries were to be followed through the momentarily abandon area of the building, they would lead to a spacious room where the idols would train at. There, in a small corner facing directly to the door where two small figures, one sobbing uncontrollably in the shoulder of the other, who tried his best to comfort his friend while whispering reassuring words…but nothing seemed to work as Felix kept crying, Chan’s shirt now having a complete wet spot for the many tears that had fallen from the younger Australian’s eyes.

“fuck him…fuck his stupid hair, his stupid smile, his stupid self” Felix whispered between sobs , his hand holding even more tightly on Chan’s shirt, his nails now close to ripping the fabric if he were to put more strength into it. “he is so stupid”

“I know…I know he is, let it out” Chan said as he rubbed small circles on Felix’s back, who only continued his sobbing for another few minutes until they became nothing more than soft sniffles.

“…does he even know how stupid he is? Gosh, he is so goddamn idiotic…why did he had to be the one, Channie? I’m so stupid for letting him have my heart” Chan bit his lower lip, unsure of how to talk about the topic. He did not want to hurt Felix by defending Hyunjin, but also, he did not want to act like what Hyunjin did was not wrong, because it was. He fucked up big time, and even when Chan would let it pass if he only yelled at him- just like other similar situations that had happened before with different people- He could not forgive the way he had spoken to Felix. No matter how much he loved Hyunjin as both, his fellow bandmate and his friend, his blood would always boil when he remembered the words he had yelled at Felix. No one deserved to be treated that way.

“he is a little shit, all I did was hang with my best friends, I did nothing wrong. I mean, why does he even care!? He…he never noticed me before, no matter how hard I tried to approach his stupid ass…he never noticed my feelings” Felix sobbed as hid his face on the crook of Chan’s neck, his tears coming down faster as he remembered the many times he tried to express his emotions to the pinkett, but each time he would either get ignored or Hyunjin would not notice the flirting motivations behind his actions.

Chan listened carefully to the words of the younger, remaining silent despite the small ache his heart held at the mention of being only best friends. But this is not about him, now he must make sure Felix is alright. He can deal with his own sadness later.

“don’t give up Lix…yeah, he surely is naïve, he is a complete idiot but there’s still hope for both of you…he probably reacted out of jealousy” Chan said as he wrapped his arm around Felix’s waist, who kept crying uncontrollably on his shoulder. At the words of his elder, Felix felt a small fire burn inside him, his cries stopping momentarily as he pushed Chan away – just a bit considering Chan’s arms were still wrapped around his waist – and glared at the older.

“are you dumb? Out of jealousy? Who the fuck says those things out of jealousy! He called me a whore Chan! A filthy whore! Do you really think that man would love me!? no one calls their significant other a whore, man! Stop trying to fix this when there was nothing at all on the first place! He does not love me! he never will!” Felix yelled out his frustrations, giving weak punched at Chan’s chest, which forced the older to hold back a chuckle by how light the punches felt. Nonetheless, he allowed the younger to vent out, he needed to get all those feelings out of his chest to heal from this deep wound. However, as the time continued, and Felix was not stopping, Chan could feel the slight annoyance started to form at the back of his mind, which only increased when Felix started insulting both Hyunjin and him.

“ok that’s enough” The older Australian protested as he held Felix’s shoulder tightly, so he would remain on place. Taken aback by the sudden action, Felix stare with wide teary eyes at Chan, out of words and strength to protest the interruption of his vent. Chan clicked his tongue, slowly letting go of Felix to see what the younger would do. Seeing him standing silently in place, Chan saw the opportunity to speak.

“I thought Hyunjin was naïve, but you are just as much…you seriously haven’t seen how he looks at you? How he steals glances at you almost waiting like a lost puppy for you to notice him. The many times he has gone immediately to you whenever he had a chance. Just over all he is extremely whipped for you…he fucking confessed to you at a party once”

“wait what!?” Felix interrupted the older, his face turning a shade of red as he suddenly became shy. He had no memory of that at all. Chan simply rolled his eyes as he placed his arms once more around Felix’s waist, bringing the younger closer as he stared at the ceiling.

“you both got drunk as hell, and then you started acting like a sickly couple. Hell, if Minho had not stopped you two from leaving the room you would had probably fu-“

“ok ok ok I get it I get it!” Felix yelled frantically as he covered his now completely red face behind his small hands, giving him an adorable look to Chan’s eyes. Although he wanted to force his feeling in, Chan could not help admiring the cuteness of his bandmate. Without realizing his own actions, the older slowly removed the small hands away from the delicate face Felix had. Confused, the latter stared at his elder, trying to understand what he was trying to do.

However, Felix could only freeze while his eyes widen once he felt the soft lips of Chan being pressed against his own. It was an empty kiss, no butterflies on his stomach, no blush tinting his freckled cheeks…just nothing more than confusion and shock. Almost as an instinct, Felix’s eyes shifted from the small locks of Chan’s red hair to the door, where a tall frame remained looking at them with a broken stare, before running away without a second look as soon as their eyes met. Felix swore he had seen tears forming on his eyes.

Quickly, Felix shoved Chan away with all the strength he had, successfully making the older fall backwards on the floor as he was quick to stand up and run after Hyunjin, but by the time he made it to the doorframe his shadow was completely gone…the only thing that remained were the faint footsteps that echoed on the hall, a small guide that he had to hurry up to catch before they became too inaudible for him to follow.

“HYUNJIN!” Felix yelled through the dark hall, his own tears coming down his eyes as he felt like a monster. It was not his fault, but he could not help but feel guilty.

Chan simply remained at the studio frozen on place, his body limp as a single tear abandon his eyes. “I’m sorry” he whispered as his heart cracked just a bit more than before.

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