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[4] 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬


     Short of breath, Minho stopped for a second on the middle of the path, his face red as he placed his hands on his knees for support as he gasped for air. Minutes had passed since the confrontation between Hyunjin and Felix. The rest of Stray Kids had decided to return to their dorms, Chan feeling that allowing Felix do dwell his frustration on a public park could attract the attention of dangerous people. Minho had offered to stay behind and search for the tallest member of the group, which was seen unsuccessful as he still could not spot that pink hair from the crowd of people. Suddenly, a faint memory of a minty smell on Hyunjin’s jacket once, followed by the muffled voice of a faint memory scolding him for a small package on his jacket was brought to his mind as he say a man sitting on a bench smocking. Without wasting more time, the second oldest stood back up and walked through the sea of people, ignoring the questioning looks of the persons as moved them gently aside…

Before long, he found himself on a more isolated area. The chattering and bickering of kids were no longer audible, the path had ended many steps away as the trees created a thick division between the smoking area and the running track that surrounded the more trafficked area of the park. A few steps more closer to the almost secluded area, that familiar minty smell suddenly invaded his nose, forcing him to scrunch it as he covered his lower face with his hand, waiting some seconds so he could adjust to the smell. Once he felt fine, he continued walking towards the figure resting against a brick wall.

Hyunjin had not yet acknowledge the presence of the older, his eyes fixated at nothing as he continued to puff out the smoke. Chan had warned him of the severe damages smoking could had on his lungs, and how much it would impact him, considering he was one of the main dancers from the group, but did he care? Not much. Although he tried to listen to his leader, the stressful times would always become too overwhelming without his medicine. He blinked away the tears that would occasionally accumulate on his eyes, no matter how much he wanted to cry at the moment, his shattered mind and heart prevented his now numb face to demonstrate either, and forced his tears back up as he allowed his self-conscious to torment him.

Minho could not help but feel pity towards the younger. It was obvious for most of the group how Hyunjin would favorite Felix over most of them, but it was also fairly known how naïve Felix was at acknowledging those acts. They knew that this situation was bond to happen one day; Hyunjin exploding at Felix…but no one exactly expected it to be this way. The pity was formed by knowing the major fuck up this whole situation was. No one was wrong, but it was more than obvious no one was right. Pity soon faded into disappointment…although he understood the motive behind those empty words, did not meant Minho approved of the word choice Hyunjin had once his bubble of ignorance pop. Nonetheless he walked forward, standing next to Hyunjin as he also rested his back against the dirty wall, the action finally gaining the attention of the pink haired, who almost immediately stood straight up and threw his cigarette on the floor, stepping on it.

“I’m not here to scold you, if that’s what you think…pass me one” was all Minho said as he pointed to the small package at Hyunjin’s hand. The pinkett observed the elder doubtfully for what felt like minutes, waiting for any phrase, any word that would be related to the incident…but when none came out, and Minho kept pointing as his pocket, Hyunjin simply sighed as he rested once more against the wall, now handing a stick to Minho as he light up one for himself. Hyunjin eyes Minho weirdly, not really expecting him to smoke.
Meanwhile, Minho was internally regretting his petition as he stares at the stick placed between his fingers. He was not a smoker and had never previously tried one…but it was too late to simply reject the cigarette, so he simply lights it up and placed it between his rosy lips.

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