Ch. 4

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As I was waiting in this huge line, I looked behind me to see if Areum was still in the car, talking to whomever she was talking too. I saw from the windshield and her clear expressions that she seemed serious and a bit unsettled. I was wondering what was going on but I couldn't do anything about it. I'll just have to ask her after I get our drinks. I looked around the cake shop to see what else was there. It was mainly pink and white aesthetic, a very large area for you to sit down and eat, and there's even a internet cafe right next to the cake shop! It's cute, I admit, but I feel that Areum should've went for something else rather than a "cake shop."


The woman said from behind the counter. I moved forward to take my order.

"Hi! Welcome to Frizzly Friz's Cake Shop! What would you like to order today!" She said in a very hyper tone.

"Hi! err.. may I have a Iced Acai Dragon drink and the Vanilla Whipped Frap?

"Of course! Would you like to try out our new Hot Choco Bread as well?"

"Ah.. okay!"

"Great! That'll be $15.75 cents."

Wow, pretty expensive for just two drinks and a bread. Wait, why am I paying for this when she's the one supposed to be treating me. I don't get her sometimes, but whatever, she can treat me another time.

As I had unzipped my hang bag and rummaged through everything trying to find my wallet, I couldn't find it. I started feeling anxious and reassured the woman that it'll take a minute. I quickly looked again and still couldn't find it! Where the fuck did it go!? I searched again one more time to see if I had accidentally missed it, until I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and seen a tall man wearing a long brown coat, a pair of expensive shoes, a golden watch, and his hair a bit wavy and long. He was pretty hand some not gonna lie but he looks familiar.. I don't where I've seen him before.. but I still couldn't get a hold of it.

"You're holding up the line lady, can you speed up the process a little?" He said in a foul tone with a low, deep voice.

I turned around to face him and said.

"Well Mister, my wallet is apparently not here with me at the moment, so it's going to have to take a long ass time." I replied back to him in a mockingly, childish voice.

"How are you going to forget to bring your wallet?" He said as he scoffed. "Pathetic, you should have known it yourself and perhaps maybe checked it beforehand "Miss".

"Hey! It is not my fault, okay!? I have checked my hand bag before I left the dorm of my friends and my wallet was there!"

"Pfft." He said as he laughed a little. "Don't tell me you could've possible "dropped it" while coming here hm? How clumsy of you." He said as he put his hand underneath his nose to cover his laughter.

"Of course I didn't! Why would I-"

I completely froze at that moment when he had mentioned that. While I was running to the elevator, my hand bag was opened and tilted to the side, so it may have fell in the hallway. Shit, hopefully it's still there.

I faced the woman behind the counter and told her.

"I am so sorry, but it looks like I may have lost my wallet, may I inform my friend in the car at the front to lend me her wallet?" I said, pleading to her.

"I am so sorry miss, but the policy here does not allow you to do that, so I am afraid you may not able to do so." She said while smiling

"What!? Come on, it's literally right there, I'll just be back in less than 20 seconds!?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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