23K 403 636

Y/N = your name
U/N = username

"Hey guys! It's U/N! Welcome to another stream!" Y/N said, her hair was in a bun and she had green dream hoodie on.

Her brother had finally stopped streaming so she was able to. Once she tried to stream while her brother was and all the stream was, was hearing tea kettle dream. The chat was filled with:

"Is that dream?"
"That sounds like Dream bro"

She had to reassure that it wasn't him and that she was actually making tea but ever since that day she's made sure not to stream when he does.

After about an hour into the stream she had gotten a raid. She was used to raids being 100-1,000 viewers but this time- oh wow.


"Holy shit" i covered my mouth realizing my face cam was on. I smiled widely.

The comments started to blow up:

"Bro how tf did he find her?"
"S A P N A P"

I couldn't believe what had just happened.

I looked at my viewers. 16.6K viewers

Holy shit

I decided to stay for an extra hour which I ended with 10k but that was still so many people to please....

So many people judging me...

I could sense a panic attack coming so I ended the stream quickly.

"Thank you guys so much for watching! Again thank you Sapnap so much for the raid!"

I waved goodbye and ended the stream.

Dream/Clays POV

"So Dream, do you have any siblings?" George had asked.  I know he knew but people are so weird and want to know about my life.

"I do actually. My sister, she's about your age Sap. She actually streams but I don't think she'll wanting my talking about her I mean she is in the other room..."

"Bro I should raid her!" Sapnap said and I chuckled. "She'd kill me for tell you her twitch name but you should!"

"Darn it! Dream why don't you have any friends that are older than you?" George said and I laughed.

"I do, but I love you too much to tell you about them" I blushed. I wish George knew that I liked him but he probably doesn't like me back

Sapnaps POV

"Ok everyone! I'm gonna raid U/N!" I sent all my viewers to Dreams little sister and I decided to watch her stream. She was building a house but she then stopped. She looked at the chat and smiled widely, making me blush. Dream never told me how cute she was....

"Holy shit!" She said and the chat blew up.

She stared getting more donations saying things like "Hey dreams little sis!" And "you're like really pretty!"

I wanted to donate something but I knew I couldn't. It would be to embarrassing.

So I decided to follow her on Twitter and DM her.

Hey y/n! You probably already knew this but I'm Sapnap! Dreams bestfriend! Oh and no problem about the raid. We should talk more!


I kept watching her stream when she started to act a bit strange.

Her breathing started to get faster and she quickly ended the stream.


I walked into Clays room and he already knew what was up. He opened his arms and I fell into them. Crying.

"Sorry that I told Sap and George. I didn't think that he was going to send all of those people to you."

I sniffed and walked over to his bed and fell asleep.


When I woke up I was in my bed and my phone kept going off.

I looked at my phone and saw all of those notifications.


Hey y/n! You probably already knew this but I'm Sapnap! Dreams bestfriend! Oh and no problem about the raid. We should talk more!
Sorry maybe I shouldn't have texted you..

Dream Team😎😈💯

Clay-  hey losers I added my sister to this

Georgie - oh ok hi y/n!

SapCrap- Ayyy wassup y/n

600 messages later....

Y- Do y'all ever shut up?

S- Hey Mamas 😈

C- ew Nick that's my sister

We talked for a while and then I decided to go back to sleep.


Hey! Thanks for reading the first chapter!

Anxiety- A reader x Sapnap fanficWhere stories live. Discover now