Chapter Four: Worthy

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JJ POV: I started to cry because I just couldn't bring myself to answer her question. I just couldn't stop I was in so much pain because Will had hit really hard before we had this case. Emily just held me in her lap, rubbing my back, placing soft kisses on my head. She whispered "it's okay" and I just held on to her. After I had stopped crying she looked at me put her hand on my cheek and wiped my last tear away and said "Jen I know it's hard to tell someone about it, but I promise it'll feel better once you do, and I will never let him lay a hand on you ever again." "Em, I'm so scared." "I know Jayje, I know." She just always made me feel okay no matter what was happening.

Emily POV:  I felt so bad that this was happening to her and I wasn't here to help her through it. I know I'm here now comforting her, but I wish I could've been here to stop this when it first started. I ran my fingers through her long beautiful blonde hair and asked "Do you want to stay here tonight?" She nodded and I picked her up and brought her to my bedroom. I could tell that she was tired. When I got in the bed she came over to me and whispered in my ear "Thank you." I wrapped my arm around her, she laid her head on my chest and put her left arm over my waist. She immediately fell asleep. I smiled to myself,  she was so beautiful. I watched her chest go up and down then I drifted off into sleep.

JJ POV:  I didn't wake up in my bedroom I then realized I was in Emily's room. She still had her arm around me and I stared at her beauty. She stirred and I said "Good morning" "Mm good morning beautiful." We didn't have a case today, so we decided to relax at her place. I looked at her and she said "What?" "Nothing." She looked at me and laughed quietly. I playfully slapped her arm. She stood up from her chair and pulled me up and hugged me so tightly. I asked "What's this for?" "I don't know honestly, but just know that I'm always here for you and I will never let Will come near you again." I smiled "Em, you know that you're my favorite person right?" "I am aren't I? I mean I would be my favorite person too!" "Em you're such a dork." She laughed and rolled her eyes, yet she never let go of me. I didn't mind though I really needed this.

Emily POV:  I don't know why I just didn't want to let go of JJ. She is in my arms and in my life again. She is just my JJ. I love her so much and I know I can't tell her, but I think in a sense she already knows. JJ pulled away and pulled me to the couch and she moved back into my arms and said "My feet started to hurt." "And I'm the dork?" I laughed shaking my head and pulled her in my lap and put a Disney movie on. There was something about her being in my lap that just made me so happy. I haven't felt this way in a really long time. "Emily?" "Yeah?" "Can I tell you something?" "Of course, you can tell me anything." "Em he hit me before we proceeded on the  case and told me that I was worthless." I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and said "Jennifer, you should already know your worth. You are so amazing and beautiful. Jayje you're my favorite person too because you are so incredibly smart, but you downplay how smart you actually are because that's just who you are. You shouldn't believe anything that comes out of his mouth because that's not true at all. You are worth everything, JJ. I don't know what he could have possibly been thinking to ever hurt you. Jennifer he doesn't deserve you and you deserve someone who will treat you with kindness and love you for you. Smile when they see you in the morning and smile again when they see you after work. Jayje, you're not worthless I promise."

A/n: Again sorry for the long chapter, but I low key really liked this chapter.

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