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Hey guys! i'm new to wattpad and this is my first story, i wrote it with my friend Shannon and we'd love to hear some feedback


Cornwall, England 1924

"SOPHIA! SOPHIA, COME look at this!" Evelynn yelled to her best friend as they ran through the abandoned blossom fields behind Sophia's parents farm house.

"Evelynn! No! You know we're not allowed that far!"

"Don't be so chicken Sophia," Evelynn shouts as she continued to run across the field, Sophia running behind her, trying to convince her overly adventurous best friend to not cross the fence their parents had warned them about, but before she was able to catch up with her she watched as Evelynn began to climb the fence. Her heart racing from both running and seeing her friend do something she knew they shouldn't be doing.

"Sophia! Help me, Sophia!" The barbed wire on the fence plunged into Evelynn's leg causing her to stumble back and fall into the river on the other side.

Sophia sore the only possible safe route to the other side of the fence, and she hurled towards it, scrambling through the small hole to get to Evelynn.

"Evie!" She screamed! "Hold on! I'm coming!" She ran along the side of the river, leaning out just before Evelynn is swept past, she reaches her arm out and Evelynn clings on.

"Don't let go Evelynn! Don't let go!"

Sophia ran backwards whilst holding on to Evelynn's arm, pulling her from the dangerously rapid river. Blood rushing from Evelynn's leg at an unhealthy pace, she looked at Sophia, her eyes filled with panic. "Hold still, I have an idea." Sophia says as she pulled on the flower patterned belt tied in a bow around her dress and wrapped it firmly around Evelynn's leg.

"Do you think you can walk?" she says to a now soaking wet, and frightened little girl and she nods. Wrapping her hands around Evelynn's wrist, she pulled her up to her feet and they held onto each other as they made their way back to the farm house.

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