Chapter 12 - Sophia

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I am awoken suddenly to a loud noise and I gasp. I look to the side of me at the clock on the wall. It’s only 5.35am. I look to the other side and see Charlie still sleeping peacefully. I can’t get back to sleep without knowing what that sound was. “Charlie.” I tap his arm trying to wake him from his sleep. “Charlie, wake up.”

“What.” He says still half asleep.

 “There was a loud noise downstairs will you come with me to see what it was.” He rubs his eyes to wake himself up properly.

 “You wait here.”

“No, I just wanted to take you for back up.”

“Sophia!” He says as he shakes his head and stands up out of the bed and I climb out the other side.

“I said wait here.” He says with a stern voice and my eyes narrow.

“And I said no.”

“Ugh, you’re so stubborn, just stay behind me then.”

I sigh. “Fine.”

I follow Charlie out of the room and into the hallway. “Ouch.” I say as I hit my toe. Charlie jumps and I quickly place my hand over my mouth.

“What did you do that for?” He asks as he whispers with a shaky voice.

 “I stubbed my toe.” I say as I bite onto my lip trying to forget about the pain in my foot

“I nearly fell down the stairs.” He says as his eyes widen.

“I’m sorry.” I try to stifle a laugh but I let out a little snicker and place my hand over my mouth again whilst looking at Charlie’s traumatised face. He turns around and walks down the stairs.

I hear another sound and I grab on to the back of Charlie’s pyjama top. The intensity of wondering what we will find at the bottom is building up. We reach the bottom step and I let go of Charlie’s top. “Evelynn!” I shout and she laughs.

“It slipped.” She says as I see Noah stand up from behind the table

“We’re cleaning it up.” He says as he smirks. “Did we wake you?”

“You woke her, and then Sophia woke me, and almost gave me a heart attack.” Charlie says with an exaggerated voice and I laugh. Noah and Evelynn look at him with narrowed eyes.

“I stubbed my toe.” I say as I make eye contact with Charlie.

“You made me jump.” He says. “Hold up, why are you two down here its 10 to 6.”

“We were hungry. Evelynn says as she smiles innocently.



 Sophia and Charlie walk back up the stairs leaving myself and Noah alone again. I’m still unsure of whether he likes me the way I thought he did. I pick up the last piece of smashed plate and place it in the bin. “I’m taking you somewhere tonight.” Noah says as he moves closer to me.

 “Taking me where?” I ask as he still moves closer and we make eye contact.

 “My favourite place.” He smiles and I smile back, maybe I was wrong, maybe he does like me the way I thought he did. Nothing would make me happier to realise he feels the way I do about him.

 “What should I wear?”


 “Noah.” I say as I tilt my head.

 “Just trust me ok, you’re going to love it. I’ll pick you up at 6!” I smile as I nod.

 “Ok.” I wonder where he’s taking me, I need to decide on something to wear but how can I decide on something to wear when I have no Idea where it is we’re going.

 It’s 5 to 6. I’ve changed 4 times, and I have no time to change again, before I know it I hear a knock on the door and I feel fluttering in the pit of my stomach and I take a deep breath and go to open the front door. I place my hand on the door handle and take another deep breath, I open the door slowly.

 “You look as amazing as ever.” Noah says as he passes me a rose.

 “Thanks.” I say and I feel my cheeks get hot and we walk down to the car. Noah steps in front of me and holds the door open for me. “Thank you.” I say as I step into the car and we head to Noah’s mystery destination.

 Noah stops the car and I look at him. “We’re here.” I look around, where is here I ask myself. I step out of the car and look at Noah smiling. “Come on.”

 Noah leads me down a dirt path and I suddenly regret wearing my new shoes, the shiny blue now being replaced with dust and brown dirt. I sigh staring down at them and Noah notices, stopping suddenly, staring at me.

 “Are you ok?” He asks a hint of concern in his voice.

 “My shoes.” I pout and Noah’s mouth curves up into his famous boyish grin and I can’t help but smile back at him.

 “Come here.” He says making his way towards me. Before I can protest I’m being scooped up into his arms and carried the rest of the way down the path. I gasp at the sudden contact, the sweet smell of skin filling my nose making me dizzy. I’m suddenly thankful that he is holding me as I don’t think I’d be able to stand anyway.

 “I’m going to set you down now, ok?” Noah says quietly, gently releasing his hold on me.

 I finally look around and take in the beauty of the place he has brought me. The low evening sun lights up the meadow, pinks and oranges in the sky illuminating the now browning leaves on the trees. I inhale a sharp breath as I drink in the scene in front of me.

 “It’s beautiful.” I sigh looking up Noah who is staring down at me with a look I haven’t seen before, it’s as though he’s looking straight into me and it makes my heart leap into my throat.

 “Yes, it is.” He says not breaking eye contact and it’s hard to fight the blush rising in my cheeks so I look down into my hands but Noah takes my chin in his thumb and forefinger, tilting my face up to meet his and his lips ever so gently caress my own whilst his arm snakes around my waist pulling me closer, deepening the kiss ever so slightly.

 I sigh allowing myself to melt into the kiss but Noah stops, pulling away so his forehead rests on mine. The loss of contact leaves me longing, wanting more.

“Are you sure?” Noah’s voice barely above a whisper. It takes me a moment to figure out what he’s asking of me but when I do there is no trace of hesitation in my voice.

“Yes.” I breathe and crash my lips to his once more, my mind swimming in desire and serenity as Noah lays my down into the long grass, his fingers tracing down my arm leaving a burning trail in their wake.

“You are beautiful.” Noah says looking deep into my eyes, and in that moment I knew, I knew I had fallen hard. I just hoped he would be there to catch me.

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