The PenPal Project.

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The PenPal Project

Chapter One; The Exchange.

Have you ever wondered what would of happened if Draco actually did go to Durmstang? Maybe transfer right before 6th year? Ended up not following the Dark Lord? Or maybe you just wonder what would happen if Hermione and Draco had been penpals from the age of eleven till the day they finally met on that magical Platform 9 3/4 leading them to a year of Hogwarts, we could say it all started on a fateful day in September, but it actually started on a brisk cold day of January,

Hermione had just woken up to a owl pecking on her window, when she decided to look to see who's owl it was, she realized it was the young boy her mother had talked about, the young boy who would soon become her penpal for the next five long years. Hermione wasn't like any other pure-blood witch, her parents didn't agree with the Dark Lord's ways, nor did they agree with the constant bickering that came from their fellow pure-bloods about how 'Muggles and Muggle-borns were just dirt under their feet', when young Hermione realized who's owl it was, she almost fell out of bed, jumping to her balcony doors trying to retrieve the letter. The young boy sat at his small dark green desk, awaiting the reply from the little girl his mother told him about, he was to start Durmstang that fall, while young Hermione was to start Hogwarts. His father told him all about Hogwarts, but his mother insisted he go too Durmstang. The young boy sighed, while back in the Zabini home, Hermione was ripping the seal to reveal clean crisp parchment to see the gorgeous handwriting of the young boy, she smiled while reading and followed the words along with her finger.

Dear, Hermione.

My mother told me quite a lot about you. I learned our mothers have tea quite often together, and your father works in my own fathers business with him, mother told me it'd be a good experience to have these things Muggles call 'penpals' to get to know a child my own age, I await your owl, Dragon will not leave without one, oh and my name is Draco, Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Yours always, Draco.

She was jumping up and down by the end of the letter, she yelled for her personal house elf, Jori to retrieve some parchment and small quill for her to write her reply, after her writing a small note to the boy, she sealed it. Stamped it with the swirly Z stamp, told the small golden colored owl to take it to the boy she knew to be called Draco Malfoy. After making sure the owl flew away safely, she skipped downstairs to the dining area, to see her mother sitting drinking a small cup of tea, Hermione curtsied and asked if breakfast had been served yet, her mother shook her head and the youngest Zabini proceeded to tell her mother the morning she add experienced.

In Draco's home, Draco had just walked back into his bedroom to see his small golden owl pecking at the window to get out of the blistering cold, he strutted over to the window, took the small letter out of his talon and sent him on his way to the opposite end of the wing to the Owlery to warm up. Draco sat down at the dark green desk his father had just purchased a month prior. Even though he wasn't going to attend Hogwarts, his father made sure to decorate his room in the silver and green of the Slytherin house he had so many things about, the youngest Malfoy sighed and began to open the letter when he heard his parent's outside his door.

"Lucius, are you sure the Zabini girl is the right one to betroth to him. He is only 11, he shouldn't need this pressure put on him right now!" Mrs. Malfoy other wise known as Cissa or Narcissa to be polite was having a heated conversation with the Mr. Malfoy named Lucius right outside their young sons door, Lucius was explaining Draco needed to be betrothed now to ensure he would not mess around or try to marry some other woman while growing up, Cissa was getting more and more pissed off. Lucius rubbed the bridge of his nose and waved her off and nodded. Draco silently got up, leaving the unread letter open on his desk to open his door and was prepared to faith their wrath of eavesdropping on the eldest Malfoy's.

He shook slightly and braced himself to feel the cool hit of the back of his fathers hand, he decided to step back in his room and slowly shut the door. The more he stayed away from his parents, the less hits he'd get, and the less yelling he'd hear. He frowned at the letter, waved it off and retreated to his over-sized bed, to sleep for the night, despite dinner not even have been served yet. He knew he would be punished for it tomorrow for right now he didn't really care, Hermione sat at the big glass table-top table in the dining hall with her family eating a light dinner since they had, had a big lunch. Hermione's father, Adrian looked at her and smiled. She was grateful to be a daddy's girl, which got her whatever her heart desired, Hermione picked at her food, sighed a deep sigh and looked at her mother.

"Mum, the Malfoy boy hasn't wrote me back yet." Hermione's mum frowned slightly and looked to her husband Adrian for some comforting words or for some help on this particular subject, but all he did was shrug and look back to his food and dig in, not caring about anything else. Hermione's young mother Geonna, frowned and decided to tell her the first thing that came to her mind.

"Maybe he is busy, my Mia. He is a very busy child these days planning to go to Durmstang." Hermione's frown went up a little bit, realizing maybe Draco hadn't forgot about her, but maybe had gotten busy and wasn't able to write a reply. Later that night, when Hermione's mother was tucking her in bed, and kissing her goodnight. Hermione heard the noise of the small owl appearing at her window. She tried to jump up, but her mother pushed her back down. "Stay Mia, I will get the letter and lay it on her desk, you are too sleep. You hear me? You can read it tomorrow morning." Hermione slightly frowned, but nodded knowing her mother was right, she needed sleep. She yawned and fell into a light sleep of dreaming of meeting the young boy she had just started exchanging letters with. Not knowing in a few years time, they would both hit an obstacle. And, finally meet without either one knowing the other one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2012 ⏰

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