m y s t e r y

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"What are you standing there for?"

Asahi turned, and as he had reckoned found his archnemesis stood with a sphinxlike smile, gazing onto him with those connate dark eyes. In his starless orbs did Asahi find an unfathomable mystery, and he marveled in his mind with a face of stone as he stepped towards the other.

"Nothing," he replied. "What about you? Don't you have classes?"

"And you don't?"

"I don't."

"Me either."

It was almost domestic, Asahi gauged. With words neither formal nor archaic, conversing as though they were simply two humans and not the near thousand year old beings that they truly were. Perhaps it was because they had lived more than four fullmoons together that they could have such reciprocity with each other despite the odds of their pasts.

He could not fathom still how a human should view their relationship— in the eyes of a normal person, how were two who sleep in each other's arms and cohabitate to be perceived? What of two who had pointed their blades against each other? Where they enemies, or were they friends?

"Then, Asahi," Jaehyuk's voice strangely hovered about his ear, drawing him back to reality. "Shall we?"

Alas, it was time to conclude the first part of their gnarly plans.

The other's hands were attached to his hips, fingers sprawled across his skin as they streel idly but so wondrously. They sent shivers to his spine as Jaehyuk's breath touched his neck like a mother's gentle caress, and he reclined, leant against the human's chest with his cheeks aglow of growing lust; and he exhaled softly as if to tell that he had relinquished.

"What's this? Are you really going to let me do all the work, hm?"

"Shut up," he hissed. "Just touch me."

A chuckle rumbled from the depth of Jaehyuk's thorax, as though he thought risible of whatever it was that he found underneath the halfling's words. His hands, however, remained working their way to unfasten the thin raiments bestrewn upon Asahi's frail frame; and with such ease did he unravel the other's upper body.

Asahi was shepherded to his own bed and made to lay almost gingerly, all whilst he quivered under the cold air that blew from the casement that was slightly ajar.

"So this is how the final day of equinox is?" Jaehyuk asked, rhetorical yet curious too. "So at first, a halfling's lust is gentle yet passionate..."

His fingertips traipsed across Asahi's bare chest, and the Japanese all but shuddered.

"... coaxing the other to respond to them. But at the final day..."

This time his lips were ones to leave an imprint on the other's chest.

"They become submissive, unable to control their desire to be pampered."

Asahi growled, irked by his leaden actions. Far too lost in desire was he to comprehend that he was being mocked, simply wanting to be touched and felt by the other's hands. He veered upward, unknowing, body desperate for the warmth and blood.

"Calm down, Asahi," Jaehyuk placed his wrist upon the halfling's mouth, urging him to bite and guzzle his blood. "I'm here to help you."

Blood dribbled down Asahi's lips, spilling its red to the skin of his jaws and Jaehyuk chortled, marveling at the sight that was his beauteous lifeblood. He latched his mouth onto Asahi's neck, softly like a baby sucking on its thumb, yet every time he so much moved his lips did the other tremble as if it were winter.

Truth was, such actions weren't needed by a halfling in lust.

With ample amount of blood Asahi should satiate his concupiscence and become a true vampire, but his mind was too clouded for him to stop the other. Jaehyuk, on the other hand, knew of this fact too— and took advantage of Asahi's lost bearings to quench his curiosity and bring him great amusement.

Asahi was to never fail at entertaining him. The honorable Sir Ettore of the great Calhalev, writhing beneath him and begging to be fondled with by the very man who had brought an end to his first life was surely a sight to behold. He giggled, caressing the pale skin of Asahi's torso, softly gnawing on his jaws and chin.

His thumb moved to wipe away his own blood from Asahi's chin, a devilish smirk existent on his face. The halfling let out a gasp as Jaehyuk moved to be sat atop him, bestriding his body between his two legs.

"Don't move around too much, you're spilling my blood. If I accidentally drink my own blood, you know what'll happen, don't you?"

Asahi did not reply, but Jaehyuk needn't one because he already knew that he was aware of the consequences that would descend to a Krneluce that drank its own ichor.

He shriveled as Jaehyuk suddenly bit onto his shoulder, an abrupt whimper escaping his lips as he felt the pleasure crawling to scatter across his form. At the sound of his own voice, he awoke; nebulous mind clearing to think for a mere moment, and the one thought that had been plaguing his mind for two days had resurfaced.

"Tell me, Yoon Jaehyuk," he spoke in a bout of sanity and euphoria. "If equinox can be caused by a vampiric soul overpowering a human body, then why do you need my help to begin yours?"

Rarely did Jaehyuk ever let his mask, fall, and it seemed that this moment was one of those unwonted instances. However, he could not let see his true face, so he once again bit onto Asahi's shoulder that caused the latter to shut his eyes in pain and rapture.

Once Asahi opened his eyes of vin de pays, Jaehyuk had recovered his facade, lips pulling up into a smile that looked to be one of a Janus-faced man. If Asahi's mind had not been so hazed by his hankering for warmth and indulgence, he would have already moved to remove that grating grin of his out of pure annoyance.

"I wonder why, too," Jaehyuk whispered back, sounding neither spurious nor truthful.

And as Asahi bit onto his neck, he let his eyes close and his blood spill to the halfling's tongue.


When Asahi awoke, the first he had done was to sit himself up, allowing himself to see what of his surroundings.

Jaehyuk slept soundly right beside him, wrists and neck littered with deep bitemarks. That was not to say that Asahi wasn't quite the same— with a body scattered full of red blots, marks of lustful occurrence glaring brightly into sight.

That, however, was not the only difference in his body.

Eyes of wine had now become a vivid scarlet, glistening under the light of the little chandelier that hung atop his room's ceiling. His feeble body now felt invigorated, brimming with the strength that was well-nigh the same of one he had in his past life.

Two hands crept onto his sides, and Jaehyuk's familiar voice murmured to him,

"Welcome back, Sir Ettore."

He exhaled, leaning his weight onto the other.

"I'm back," he replied. "So you have to finish equinox soon, too."

That way, we can end what we could not in our first lives.

Such words were not said, but Jaehyuk had understood.

"Of course. This Krneluce will be back soon."

The new halfling grinned, reminiscing the taste of Asahi's vampiric blood.

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