Chapter Two

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Ian's POV 

It's 6:45 in the morning, I'm waiting outside Lucy's apartment to pick her up for work like I do every morning. I text her to tell her that I'm waiting outside and that she should take as much time as she needs. I get out my car and stand by the passenger seat door to open it when she gets out. I get a text from Lucy, telling me that she's on her way out. I smile at my phone then put it pack in my pocket. Lucy came out of her apartment and smiled as she saw me opening the door for her. She thanked me then I got in the car. 

"Happy to see me?" I asked, a smile spread across my face.

"I'm always happy." she replied.

"That's true." I agreed.

Lucy smiled and rested her head on the window. A few minutes had passed and one of Lucy's songs came on the radio. About a minute of the 'You Sound Good To Me' had played and Lucy still hadn't noticed. Lucy is always the first person to recognize one of her songs playing but she didn't this time.

"Lucy. That's your song." I said.

She looked up at me and smiled. She must've been daydreaming during the start of the song. About another twenty minutes had past and we are now at work. Lucy's phone beeped. Her beautiful smile faded as she read the message. She quickly got out the car and started walking towards set. 

"Lucy, what's wrong?" I called to her, still standing at the car.

"Nothing. I'm fine." she called back.

I squinted my eyebrows as I watched Lucy walk through the doors to set. She might've said that she was fine but I can't shake the thought that somethings wrong. She was really quiet in the car. She didn't notice her own song on the radio. She got a text then practically ran away from me.

"Did you tell her yet?" Keegan's voice said from behind me, interrupting my thinking.

"Tell who what?" I asked him.

"Did you tell Lucy that you love her?" he questioned.

"What are you talking about?" I replied, trying to hide the truth.

"Don't pretend that you're not in love with her, It's kind of obvious that you are, Ian.

What Keegan is saying is true. I am in love with Lucy. I told her that Sophia broke up with me but the truth is that I broke up with Sophia because I love Lucy. 

"Who else knows?" I asked Keegan as we started walking to set.

"Troian is the one who pointed it out to me and Marlene knows." he replied.

"Please don't tell anyone else. And make sure no one tells Lucy." I begged.

"Why can't we tell Lucy?" he asked, a smile appearing across his face.

"Because I don't want her to know."

"Why not?" he asked. "She's in love with you, too."

"You're delusional." I laughed.

"Ian, have you seen the way she smiles at you? The way she looks at you with pure admiration in her eyes? She stares at you when you're not looking. She is constantly telling you that she loves you. Those 'I love you's' are confessions, Ian, she means she loves you as more than a friend. She means she's in love with you."

"Lucy's in love with me?" I asked as I stopped walking.

Keegan stopped walking and stared at me. He laughed a little as he saw the confusion on my face.

"Of course she is." another familiar voice called from behind us.

We turned around and saw Troian. She walked over to us and gave us both a hug.

"What makes you so sure?" I asked her.

"I'm a girl. Girls can usually tell how another girl feels about a guy." she replied.

"If she loves me, why is she dating Adam?" I questioned.

"She's settling for him because she thinks she can't have you." Troian explained.

I smiled a little and thought about Lucy. What it would be like to tell her I love her without it being called acting. To hold her without it being for the cameras. To kiss her because I actually love her. For her to say she loves me without is being scripted. 

"Ask her out." Troian said, causing me to leave the wonderland that was in my mind.

"I'm not going to do that." I answered.

"Why not?" Keegan asked.

"I don't know about you, but I am not the biggest fan of being rejected." I replied.

"She's not going to reject you." Troian said as her and Keegan walked to their dressing rooms.

I smiled to myself then started walking to my dressing room. I stopped at Lucy's dressing room door and smiled at it. My smile faded as I heard the quiet crying from behind the closed door. I knocked a couple of times but Lucy didn't answer.

"Lucy, it's Ian. Can I come in?" I asked.

Lucy still didn't answer. I started to worry and knocked again. Still no answer. I turned the handle and walked in. My heart broke as I saw Lucy sitting on the floor, head resting on her knees, earphones in, eyes closed, tears rolling down her cheeks and a deep cut in one of her wrists.


Here's chapter 2, I hope you guys like it. Please review and vote. Feel free to message me anytime you want, if it's about what I can do to improve my stories or if you just want to talk. - Chloe 

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