Chapter Three

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Lucy's POV


I was sitting on my dressing room floor, earphones in, head on my knees and crying to myself. I felt someone put their hand on my back, causing me to jolt slightly. I took my earphones out and looked up. I saw Ian and quickly wiped my tears and faked a smile.

"Hey." I said, trying to sound happy as I stood up.

"Lucy, what's wrong?" Ian quickly asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I reassured.

Ian took one of my arms, the one with the cut caused by Adam and looked me in the eye.

"This doesn't look fine." Ian said, looking at the cut on my wrist.

I didn't know what to say. Weather I should tell him I did it to myself or tell him the truth. If I told him it was me then I would have to make up a story as to why. 

"Lucy, did you do this to yourself?" he asked, he sounded worried, I can hear it in his voice.

"No." I sighed as I slowly bowed and shook my head.

Ian looked at me and looked more worried so I quickly made up a lie.

"Adam was making dinner for me and we were fooling around in the kitchen and he accidentally cut my arm. It's fine though." I said, trying to sound honest.

"Lucy, that was not an accident. Did Adam purposely hurt you?

Tears start to spill from my eyes as I slowly nod my head. Ian pulled me into a hug cause me to let out a cry of pain because of my ribs. Of course, I wasn't mad at Ian because he didn't know the full story of what happened. Ian slowly pulled away from the hug and looked a me with squinted eyes and a look of fear on his face.

"What else did he do to you?" Ian asked. 

I hesitated for a minute then slowly took my shirt of, leaving me in my bra, so I can show him exactly what Adam had done last night. Ian looked at the bruises and wounds caused by Adam's nails digging into the tops of my arms. He looked down and saw my bruised ribs from Adam's hands forcing me up against a wall. The bruises on my ribs make it hurt when I breathe too fast but I'm just dealing with it. Once Ian had saw my bruises and wounds I slowly put my shirt back on, trying not to anymore pain to myself.

"Why did he do that to you?" Ian asked.

Ian looked like he was about to start crying. He looked scared and angry at the same time.

"Because I tried to break up with him because I caught him cheating on me." I replied.

The reason I gave Ian was only half true. Yes, Adam did cheat on me but I was going to break up with him before I caught him cheating. The real reason I tried to end things with him is because I'm in love with Ian.

"What do you mean tried to break up with him?" he asked, emphasizing on the 'tried'.

"Well he attacked me after I said I was breaking up with him and he said that I'm not breaking up with him as if it was a command.

I looked at my phone and opened a message I got from Adam and showed it to Ian.

'Sorry about last night. I lost my temper. I'll pick you up after work, don't be late. Love you babe.' the message read.

"Is this the message you got in the car?" Ian questioned.

I nodded at Ian and he handed me my phone back.

"You're not going home with him." Ian said protectively.

"I have to. It's not like I can run away from him, he has a car.

"We'll find a way." he replied.

"How?" I asked.

Ian took my hands in his and looked to the floor. He looked at the floor for about five minutes and then looked back up to me

"I'll take you to my place. I'll ask Troain to tell Adam you didn't show up to work and I take you now." he answered. 

"No. No one else can know about what Adam done.

"I won't tell them what he did to you. I'll just tell them that it's important that Adam doesn't know where you are." Ian replied.

"What about work?" I asked. "I can't just leave without a reason."

"I'll tell Marlene that you were sick.

I nodded in agreement and put my jumper back on. Ian left the room and went to llok for Troian and I got a text from Adam.

'I'm outside, I need to talk to you. Come out now.' it read.

I didn't reply to the text then went to look for Ian. He was talking to Troian outside her dressing room when I found him. I walked over and showed him the message.

"What is it?" Troian asked.

"It's Adam. He's outside." I said.

"Wait, I'm confused. Why are you trying to hide from him?

I looked at Ian and he nodded at me. He knew what I was thinking. The three of I went into Troian's dressing room and I showed her what Adam did.

"What the hell?" Troian shouted.

"I need to get her away from him." Ian said, sounding as if he was about to cry.

"Wait, why did he do this?" Troian asked me.

"Because I tried to break up with him." I started.

"Come to my place after work and she'll explain. We need to get her away from here now." Ian interrupted.

"Okay. How can I help?" Troian asked.

"I'll get my car and you'll take Lucy to the back of set. Stay with her until I get there. Don't tell anyone what Adam done just tell them that I've taken her home because she was sick."

Troain nodded in agreement and Ian left to get his car. Troain and I walked to the back of set and waited for Ian.

"So why did you break up with Adam?" Troain said, breaking the silence.

"I caught him cheating on me." I said.

"No, Lucy. It's because you love Ian." Troain replied with a smile on her face.

"What? How did you know that I love Ian?" I asked.

"The way you look at him." she answered.

I looked to the floor and blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed. He loves you, too.

"No, he doesn't." I replied.

Ian pulled up and got out the car. 

"I told Adam that you didn't show up to work today." Ian said as he opened the car door for me to get in.

"Thank you." I said.

Troain gave me a smile before I got in the car. As Ian started to drive, I started to think. Does Ian really love me?

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