Chapter 7b: The More You Learn

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     This chapter was more of a glorified 'info-dump', so there's your warning. That being said, 😅 don't be surprised when High-Class start doing some crazy crap later in the book. They haven't even shown a speck of what they can do since they've been stuck in cities for most of the fight scenes. 😋

Percy's Perspective
     Jack and I separated for our next lecture. Just taking notes on procedures and medication for my psychiatrist job-shadowing. It was a pretty standard day.

Jackson's Perspective
I was in 'Hunter Studies' for my last class of the day. We were learning about World-Class and what they were like. It felt odd considering we never went through the lower classes, but interesting nonetheless.
     I mean, I've obviously trained with my family, but of course, there's no way they'd go all out.
After the lecture and is starting our in-class assignment, lots of people came up to me. Either asking me out or asking to partner for the assignment. This was weird since everyone should know I'm dating Percy. Why are they starting this crud again?
I ended up partnering with a guy named Cody. He seemed pretty chill. I've seen him around since he's a Senior, but this is the first time we've met.

     We decided to do the project on the sheer power of World-Class, focusing on the one known with the most 'Magic Power' and destructive capabilities in the world, my dad.

     We decided to do the project on the sheer power of World-Class, focusing on the one known with the most 'Magic Power' and destructive capabilities in the world, my dad

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     On our mini-project, we used my dad as a baseline for other World-Class Hunters, as even though he is the most destructive, they can still keep up with him.
     We used the most devastating account of magic in history with 'The Black Glass Incident'.

     Cody became really excited when I chose this and quickly agreed. "So, we should do research on the destruction Mr. Hakuri and those Demon Lords did." He seemed perplexed at that statement.
     "You mean what Mr. Hakuri did?" He asked.
     I was confused but just explained again, "Yes, him and the demons."
     "I thought you knew?" This grabbed my attention. "Mr. Hakuri did all that destruction by himself..."

Percy's Perspective
     "Heh!" I heard someone snort behind me. Three students seemed to be leering at me with disdain and amusement. "He looks so innocent - even though he's piggying off of Jackson." They laughed some more but I wasn't particularly interested in hearing their stupidity, so I continued to my next class.
"Hey, you know what!!? He looks familiar now that I think about it, right, Lacey?"
The girl next to him started speaking as I went along the hallway, "Yeah, wasn't he the only survivor of a demon attack?"
I halted immediately. "What did they call him - 'The Rainchild'?"

Jackson's Perspective
Cody was telling me how my dad was the sole reason for 'The Black Glass Incident' and single-handedly created the 'Black Glass Desert'.
Other students were all chatting, and with the sheer number of them, my raised voice wasn't noticed, "But that's not possible! When I asked if he helped create it when fighting with demons he said, 'yes'! Are you saying my father is a liar!?" I'll admit, I was getting a bit worked up for no real reason.
Cody lifted his hands above his dark hair and said, "But did you ever ask if he did it himself? Just because he was fighting demons, doesn't mean they helped him do - that..."
"How would you even know?" I growled. "This happened ten years ago and we have lots of evidence that would say otherwise. So what would you-"
He showed his Student ID tag. Why is he showing me this? I looked at the name, trying to piece together what he was trying to say. That's when I saw it... 'Cody Desmender'...
That last name just kept reverberating in my mind. Desmender!!?
It's not really an important name or incident really. No one got hurt, it was just the sheer magnitude of the magic that caught so much attention, as it really showed how much a World-Class could do. But that was all based on him fighting multiple Demon Lords, not from a lone attack.
Desmender is the name of the family involved in the incident. There were, for some reason, high-ranked demons coming to a deserted island since it was a breeding ground for demonic portals.
A family had been brought to the large island for research purposes on the volcano. But demons had attacked them, apparently, my dad happened to be there.

     There has been a video, but it was a bit 'static-y' with magnetic fields

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     There has been a video, but it was a bit 'static-y' with magnetic fields. The family was also encapsulated in a sphere of ice and kept at a distance.
     The government just said that it was from the collision of my dad and multiple Demon Lords duking it out over time until a massive explosion occurred from them all at the same time.

     With some research, we found that the diameter of the gigantic sphere of blue destruction was 100 miles in diameter - it was easily seen in space as it went beyond the atmosphere. The heat had burned all the plants living there to ash. The volcano was completely demolished and with the radiation forming multiple layers of an ebony, glass-like substance. The shockwave had been an obliteration of surrounding spires of rocks and flared the entire island with an area of 32,761mi^2 without it actually touching the earth.

 The shockwave had been an obliteration of surrounding spires of rocks and flared the entire island with an area of 32,761mi^2 without it actually touching the earth

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     This blast had decimated and changed the island's climate even today. It now hasn't snowed and the heat had been trapped there, baking the already black sand even further. Hidden fragments of glass were scattered everywhere like some sort of trap.

     'Mr. Hakuri Fans' flocked to the internet and had categorized it as a 'Magister Spell'. Which is definitely what it had to be to continually agitate magic particles for ten years straight. The fan-based site even named the condensed fireball: 'Fallen Star'.
     Luckily, no animals inhabited this island because of the demon frequency, but this information was daunting. If my father could do this - what can the other World-Class do? And what about other High-Class? And why did The World Government hide this information...

     I know - I know - I'm such a nerd, but whatever. 😋 anyway, I wonder what's happening with the government in this world. 🤔 They always seems to be hiding something... and what's going on with Percy? 😧 Find out on the next chapter of 'Furever More'... 😂 I'm such a loser.

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