"New Life"

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He ran away, never to be found again by anyone. He wanted to run away and he did but he didn't know where to go and on top of that he had his siblings with him. He thought to himself that how could his stepsiblings stay in that madhouse. After searching for 2 hours to find a place to stay for the night, he finally found a place for him and his siblings but it was near a bridge which was near the Han River. He brought with him some bare essentials like some food, water, blankets etc. but he only brought two blankets so he gave it to his siblings while he slept in the cold. It was very cold and it was peak winter in Korea, so he was feeling really cold so he decided that he would sleep under a street light nearby which had a bench under it. He thought it was perfect as the light would make it a bit warm and it was right in front of where his siblings were sleeping. So he decided to sleep there. He and his siblings looked like they were rich but no, they were just wearing the last pair of clothes that they had brought. People walking by thought that they were crazy because they thought they are wearing such expensive clothes but are sleeping outside in the cold. He wasn't sleeping and easily heard what all of the people said but he did not care one bit because he had dealt with negative comments all his life. He decided to sleep and when he woke up he checked on his younger siblings and didn't see them. He rubbed his eyes to see more clearly but they weren't there, he checked everywhere and didn't find them. Their blankets were there along with their bags but they weren't there. He had horrible thoughts coming to his brain like what if they got kidnapped? What if they're parents caught them and took them back home? He just couldn't think right..........

Y/N: ALISON!!!!! NOAH!!!!!!!! Where are you guys!!!!!!

Alison: Chill dude! I'm right here and Noah is here with me

Y/N: Where were you guys!!! I was so scared!! Where did you go?!?

Noah: We were sleeping and then a stranger woke us up and told us to stand up and go with her. We were really sleepy but we still stood up and followed her and Y/N she looked really good!

Y/N: Where did she take you? And where is she? I want to talk to her.

Alison: She took us to a place which sold fried chicken and she said."Eat as much as you like!". We couldn't see her face cause she was wearing a mask but she seemed really pretty and she was wearing expensive clothes.

Y/N: Yeah yeah okay but where is she??

??: Hey guys! Where did you guys go! Who is this boy? Do you know him? Stay away from them you idiot!

"No he is my brother!!" Alison and Noah said in unison

Y/N: Yeah I'm their brother...... but who the heck are you!?!
??: Oh sorry! Well, I am-

The mystery girl was about to say who she was but Y/N cut her off by saying,"Wait let's talk there. Alison Noah go and sit there."

??: OKay

The mystery girl thought to herself,"Wow, he's so handsome and he seems strong as well. My gosh he's so hot!! ***** calm yourself down!

Alison and Noah went and sat on the bench and they were trying to figure out what their brother and the kind girl were talking about......

Y/N: Okay now speak. Where did you take them? And Why?

??: Oh I saw them and thought they might be hungry since they looked a bit hungry and thirsty so I took them to a fried chicken restaurant and they ate as much as they wanted to. And don't worry, I payed for it so don't worry.

Y/N: What do you think? We are poor and illiterate people!?! You don't need to worry about us. Thank you for paying but please leave us alone.

Y/N said while holding his stomach as it was making noise because he was so hungry and the mystery girl realised it and she knew he would be hungry so she had brought food for him beforehand.

✨My New Life (Irene x Male Reader)✨Where stories live. Discover now