What If

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What if Jo was the same age as Lexie and they started their intern year together? What if they met on their first day and immediately became best friends?


Jo is running through the cafeteria, looking for Lexie. She has to talk to her right now. She did something really stupid and she really has to talk to someone about it, immediately. When they met on their first day as interns, it immediately clicked between the two. They tell each other everything. Lexie knows about Jo's childhood, about her living in her car, about her abusive husband and also about Jo's crush on Alex Karev. But there's this one thing Lexie doesn't know about, but she will when Jo eventually finds her in the overfilled cafeteria.

"Lexie! I have to talk to you. Now!" Jo finally spots her friend sitting at the table in the furthest corner, with some other interns of their year. Instead of talking to Lexie at the table, Jo grabs her arm and drags her through the cafeteria, out in the hall, into an empty on-call room. Closing the door behind them. Jo locks it and starts walking nervously in the room.

"I did something really bad, Lexie. Really, really bad. I'm so stupid." She starts rumbling, covering her teary eyes with her hands.

"Ok Jo, breath. Just breath. And then you tell me what this bad thing is." Lexie says calmly, standing up from the bunk bed, walking to Jo and hugging her tightly. Taking some deep breaths with Jo, Lexie loses her grip around her friend and walks her over to sit down on the bed too.

"And now you tell me what happened." She has still one arm around her friend, stroking her back in confort.

"Remember when you told me to end this affair I had with Alex?" Jo askes with a sniff, wiping the falling tear from her cheeks.

"Yeah. That was like what? Two months ago, right? Trust me it's better that way. He used you. He's with Steven's and you were just the girl he cheated on her with." Lexie reminds Jo supportive.

"Well we didn't end it-"

"What? Oh Jo-" Lexie throws her head back in disbelief.

"And looks like the last time we had sex we messed up with protection." Jo's adds really quiet before she starts crying. Lexie immediately puts her arms around her friend and lets her cry into her shoulder. She knows that Jo needs a friend more that judgment right now. Even though Lexie would really like to give Jo a peace of her mind. She had told her so many times that Alex Karev was a player. That he was only using her for sex and that this affair would only hurt Jo in the end. But Jo had told her that Alex is a completely other guy when he's with her. That he's sweet and romantic. She had told Lexie what a good guy Alex is and that this is more than just sex for both of then. But on the other side he is still with Izzie. They live  together in this trailer in the woods. And there's no sign that he will end this relationship with the enemy anytime soon. So Lexie really has no idea what she should think about this whole Alex thing. And looks like now there's a whole new problem involved in all of this crap.

"Which means you are-"

"Pregnant." Jo nodds. "I peed on a stick this morning and it turned out positive. It could be wrong, so I took a blood test before my shift and I got the results. I can't look at it alone-" Jo reaches in her lab coat pocket and hands the piece of paper to Lexie. She looks at Jo sympathetically and takes the paper out of her hand.

"Ok. So-" She unfolds the paper and reads "-pregnant. Jo you're pregnant. It says seven weeks here."

Jo's dead silent next to Lexie, she can't move. How the hell did this happen? They were careful. They always used protection. She's on the pill. How-?

"Do you- ahm do you want to keep it?" Lexie askes carefully, folding the paper again, taking a careful glace towards her friend.

"I don't know." She answers with her voice cracking. Tears start to roll down Jo's cheeks again and she covers her eyes with her hands. Lexie once again puts her arms around Jo and huggs her tight.

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