Dosing, Danger & Drugs

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Chapter 5

"What do you mean it's more than just a twisted ankle?!" I shouted at him and started freaking the fuck out. What the hell was in that room? What did Ryan even see? I was standing there stunned out of my mind waiting for someone to give me good news. So, I waited... and nothing. "Ryan... what's going on with Marie? What did you see?" He was silent. He just stared at me, he knows how much that makes me worry and the cunt does it anyway. I stood there for about two minutes freaking out on the inside, I knew any second I would just blow and lose my total shit.

I started jumping up and down, I racked Ryan right in his nuts just for not telling me. "RYAN YOU EITHER TELL ME NOW OR SO HELP ME I WILL BURST INTO THAT ROOM!" The nurses came by as quick as they could and pinned me to the floor. They gave me a medicine that would calm me down and make me sleep. I was in a deep sleep for about two hours... I think, but when I woke up, I was saying the same thing, but more silent, "Ryan, where's Marie?" I finally got the answer, but it wasn't what I wanted. Neither physical, mental or emotional pain wasn't even okay right now. Ryan calmed me down and said, "Marie had a panic attack and went into a coma. It's a coma, so I don't know when she's waking up, but the nurses said we can visit when we want, bring flowers and gifts. Are you okay?"

When he told me that and asked if I was okay, I wasn't sure how to respond. One of my best friends is in a coma. How the hell was I supposed to react right now? Immedieatly cry? Be sad? Go on a Netflix binge with icecream and McDonalds? I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. All I know of is I'm sitting in a hospital bed waking up from racking Ryan in the nuts and forced to sleep. "But... what did you see?"

"I saw Marie asleep in a breathing mask hooked up to about three, maybe four wires."

"Good to know..."

"Hey, let's go see her and see where Brian and Zack are. We'll get you icecream and we can Netflix binge." This guy. Always knows what I'm thinking. He's amazing, I must say, for Ryan always being there for me, knowing me like no one else does and being as close to me like a brother and acting like he's my dad, I love him to death. I smiled, hugged him and said, "Okay. Let's go... and Ryan, I love you, bro." This was both the best and worst day I have ever had. I'm lucky, too. When Marie wakes up from her coma, I can't wait to tell her. "I love you, too sis." Ryan responded.

Ryan and I went to go look for Brian and Zack. They were right outside the room we were in. Zack and Brian are fighting again... One day, those love birds are just going to do stupid things for each other and realize they're meant to be. "Hey, Brian... everything good with Zack?"

"Nope, he's being a total douchebag right now. He just got some weed out, smoked it and people started smelling it. The police officers took him away and I yelled at him as he was being escorted out. UGH I HATE HIM." Brian was too sweet for Zack, he was more of the caught up in trouble with the cops kind of guy. He always got in trouble at school, too. When he was in kindergarten, his teacher would smoke cigarettes after school. Yes, he was that bad. "Does anyone want to go get me a pack of smokes?" James said as he entered the hallway. I was so relieved that Zack had just left before James had got here. "James, what're you doing here?" I asked. I was the first one who knew or talked to him. Everyone else was judgemental if someone talks to one of us and we don't respond to them. This group can be full of assholes and full of great funny people.

"I work here. I'm a doctor and surgeon. Why?" So that's what he does. Hmm. I'm so getting pissed at Zack for treating him like total shit, but then again we have to be nice to him because he's our weed source and Brian's lover. Maybe just simple talking will get Zack to stop being a total dickhead to James. He's too smart for that shit. Actually, James is probably the perfect person to date Ryan. Not sure he's bisexual, but James will turn Ryan bisexual. Goodbye Canadian ladies man Ryan, hello doctor dating Ryan. "Dude! That's amazing. How old are you, actually?"

"I'm 21. So... who are your friends over there? Wasn't I going to meet them?"

"Yes! At the park tomorrow, though okay?"

"Okay. What time do I have to be there in my rape van?" Oh my god. Is this dude serious? That was witty and clever as fuck. Ryan is so going to love him. Tomorrow is going to be legendary. I chuckled and said, "Start handing out candy to potential victims."

"See you guys tomorrow," he said and hugged me goodbye. "Who was that guy you were talking to, Heath?" Ryan asked me. "His name is James. He's perfect for you."

"But I'm straight." He chuckled, but he knew he had a bit of a gay crush on him. I could tell and I can see it in Ryan's eyes. I could see everything in Ryan's eyes. "Oh, c'mon. I know you want that piece of ass."

"Oh, shut up you whore." Aggressive Ryan was here wow.

"And shut up, I know I'm aggressive." I hate this kid sometimes, he's my brother and best friend. I know him.

The next day, Ryan, Brian, Mike and I met James at the park. There was just one difficulty. An unexpected guest arrived as we all sat at a table.

Pete Westchester.

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