Chapter 4

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"Howdy stain!" I said appearing behind him. He threw a knife at me but I blocked it and it bounced off of me with armadillo's quirk. "Who are you?" He growled. "Now. now. I can give you information beyond your wildest dreams about villains and heroes for the right price of course." I explained. "Why would I need that?" He sneered. "Because someone hired me to get info on you and I have it. Your potential strengths, weaknesses, and locations. I have it all. That's how I found you. I've seen your quirk too so I got a little souvenir from this as well. Here's my card should you need some information. Chow!" I disappeared into a portal before his knife he threw made contact.

"Huh. I wonder what his motives are." Stain checked that back of the card, "impact..."

The next day...

"Deku! Training! Now!" Kacchan yelled then I appeared behind him. "Boo!" He stumbled backwards. "Hey! How did you get behind me?!" He yelled. "Trade secret. Let's go." We walked to the secret base. "Hey deku, I have two questions." he started. "And they are?" I replied. "Well how do none of your *grumbles* clients know where our base is and do you get your quirks from your clients as well?" He asked me. "First only those who are with me have access to the base because I'm basically the key to the barrier I created. As for your second question...

my quirk is absorb aka impact so I can copy any quirks I see and analyze even while they're still being activated or watched from a screen. I can instantly analyze the quirk(s) being used so I can act in an instance, I can also create my own quirks, the ability also lets me enhance the quirks copied and have no drawbacks to any quirk I use. It can also makes steal, copy, erase, borrow, abstract, etc quirk users to be rendered useless against me. The notes I take are for me to remember all of the quirks I've seen so I can copy them to my main computer." I broke kacchan. "Sorry I asked." Hahahaha! We both started laughing. We walked back to the apartment I stayed at and went in my room to talk.

Katsuki's pov

"I don't like it that you help villains too." I said. "I just want everyone to have a fair advantage." He frowned. "Still don't like him huh?" I asked. "not since he killed my mother then offered me a vip in his fan club instead of an apology for not being able to save her!" I noticed his eyes start to glow in fury. "Guess not..." it seemed my voice calmed him because his eyes went back to their normal green and yellow color. "You'll still go to UA though right?" I asked. "I promised." He smiled. I sighed in relief. "You said you knew All Might's weakness right?" I asked a little worried. "Yeah?" He said. "Can ya promise not to tell the villains that on purpose?" I asked him. "Sure but what do you mean on purpose?" Well you can't exactly evade paralysis and mind control quirks." I explained. "Ah good point." He put his fist to his palm. I smiled. "Tomorrow is the entrance exam for UA so don't be late!" I told him. "Yeah. yeah. I've got to go give my client his info then I'm going to bed." He said. "Later." "Later." As I was getting ready my miniscreen  glowed and let me see where my client was. "Maybe I'll surprise him..." I snickered and portaled away.

(Cyber assistant - does holographic and physographic uses and can change the outfit of the beholder With the press of a button or voice command. It can also change forms to watch, cyberbug, motorcycle, submarine, plane, sword/dagger, phone, and necklace.)

(A/N: I added some things to the cyber assistant's list

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(A/N: I added some things to the cyber assistant's list. I know I already posted the pic before but I'll post it again.)

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