Chapter 6

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"Ow my head..." Levi groaned. His head throbbed in pain and he got up out of his bed and stood up. He put some clothes on and left the room. When the light hit his face his eyes closed and he covered his face. "Why don't I remember anything after we got into the limo?" Levi bumped into Hanji and fell back. She looked down at him. "You got drunk last night." She helped him up and sat him down at the table. She then handed him an already warmed up cup of tea and he quickly drank from it. "You and Erwin had so much sex last night, it's not even funny." As Hanji said this Levi spit all over the table. "W-WHAT?!" He reached for a napkin and cleaned up the tea. "We had sex last night?" Levi was scared to hear the answer. "No of coarse not. Erwin is too much of a gentlemen, I was just joking with you. You were drunk and passed out so he brought you to your room." Levi sighed in relief but then remembered that he woke up almost completely naked that morning. Yea what was up with that? levi thought. He pondered on it for a moment and then shook off the eerie feeling. No he wouldn't do that... I know he wouldn't. Levi shook his head. "That's good. I'm glad that Erwin isn't one of THOSE PEOPLE." Levi said. Hanji nodded and filled up his tea cup again then sat down. "So how's you're head? You looked pretty bad when you came out of your room." Hanji asked and rested her chin on her knuckles. Levi took another sip of tea. "I feel a little better. I think the headache is gone now." Levi slowly stood up and balanced himself.

"I'm going to my room, Hanji. So i guess if you need me just call." Hanji grabbed his wrist. He looked back at her. "Do you need me to help with anything?" She asked. Levi shook his head and lightly grinned at her. "No, I think I'm good." Hanji's grip loosened and Levi's hand slipped away. Levi walked to his room and shut the door when he entered. He picked up his phone and saw that he had gotten several messages from Erwin.

Hey you there?

You got pretty drunk last night just wanted to make sure you were okay.

You don't have to come to work today, unless you want to.

Just get better okay.

"OH HELL NO! Not again! Your not doing this to me again Erwin Smith!" Levi yelled at his phone. He jumped out of the bed and ran across the hall. "Levi?! What are you doing?!" Hanji yelled to Levi. She ran after him and he went into the bathroom. "Why is he so eager to go to the bathroom?" She marched down the hallway and opened the door to find Levi who had already taken off his shirt. "LEVI WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN EAGER TO TAKE A FREAKING SHOWER??!!" He tried pushing her away. "I'm going to work today! If Erwin thinks that a little alcohol can push me around hes wrong!" Hanji grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him out of the bathroom and shut the door. "Your not going to work today Levi! Not on my watch! Your not well enough to go!" Levi tried rattling the knob but Hanji locked the door. "THAT'S THE ONLY SHOWER IN THE APARTMENT HANJI!!! GET OUT!" Levi demanded but didn't get an answer. He groaned loudly and lightly kicked the bottom of the door. He kept trying to budge the door. "You know when you get out of there I'm going to kill you!" He yelled as he banged on the door. "I'm doing this for your own good Levi! You only want to go to prove a point to Erwin, its not worth it." Levi leaned against the door and hit his fist on the wood one last time, then gave up. "You know what, your right its not worth it. Ill just go and change without taking a shower." Levi said and walked away. "WHAT NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT AT ALL!" Hanji ripped open the door and tackled Levi onto the floor. "Your not going to work today and i mean it!" As the two fought on the floor, Erwin walked into the room. "Oh my god, stop it you two." Erwin pulled Hanji away from Levi by the collar of her sweater and they both sat on the floor panting.

"What the hell was going on here?" Erwin kneeled down by them and then saw that Levi was staring daggers at him. "How did you even get in our apartment..." Hanji asked.

"Well, I thought that i should check up on Levi so I stopped by, but when i knocked on the door I heard yelling so I just turned the door knob and it opened..." Erwin replied. Levi stood up and scoffed, then slightly brushed the dust from the floor off of his pants. "Whatever, Hanji you can relax. I'm not going to work today." Hanji stood up then nodded and left to go to her bedroom.

"Look Erwin, I don't need you as a baby sitter. I'm a grown man and can take care of myself-" Levi was cut off by Erwin, who shushed him with one finger. "You talk too much." And with those words Erwin pulled Levi close and intertwined their lips together.

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