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"I-I don't know" you mumble, still shook up about the murder.

Whisper looks at you, he looks concerned. "I can tell you it wasn't me, in fact-Cyan, I can protect you! No one is getting to anyone in this ship"

"Everyone knows you obviously hated Orange." Blue appoints, "when you couldn't frame him you killed him-didn't you?"


"Just admit it Pink, you tried to throw us all off and decided to be super obvious near the end because you knew you were going to get caught," Purple says with confidence.

"That's not! No! I was in O2!"

"Planning a sabotage?!" Green stands up.

"Calm down guys! What if it's not really him? There would only be four of us left..." You try to reason but it's too late.

Four people voted for Pink
Pink voted for Purple
You skipped.

Before Whisper gets pushed out he thanks you for sticking up for him till the end. You could've sworn there was some tears before he died.

Pink was ejected. You stare at the openness of space, wondering how things could've been. Everyone seemed so nice at the start of this mission, there were no dead bodies and no accusing.

Things should've stayed that way. What changed, what's the Impostor always here? Did someone just snap? You just need to test the vending machine and you'll be done. However, was it worth it?



Yes. You can't let your other Crewmates down! There may be only four of you-uninvolving the Impostor, but all you have to do was stick together. Once your tasks are accomplished, this will be easy. Hopefully.

You push yourself off of the ground and approach the vending machine with confidence. One task left! You can do it!

Soon enough you come head to head with the vending machine. "A 2-"

"Heya Cyan!"

You look over to see Black, "Oh, uh Hi!"

"All done with your tasks?"

"Nope, I have one more," you look back at the machine, and press the buttons needed, "what about you? Did you finish?"

"Yeah, just a couple minutes ago. I wish I could say the same about everyone else." Black sighs and shakes his head, "I just want to get off this ship."

"Yeah...I understand" you hand him the apple juice that you ordered from the vending machine, "with a murderer around everything has gone downhill..."

"...are you sure it wasn't Pink?"

"He would've murdered me when he got the chance."

Black thinks to himself.

Purple approaches the two of you, "what's going on here?"

"Just doing some pondering," Black blatantly states, "what about you?"

"Looking for one of my tasks-" Purple stops himself, "It's in weapons...but I thought I'd say hi"

"That's fair," you smile.

Purple stare at you for a moment, "you're so sweet...~"


"Alright, alright!" Black interrupts, "Purple go do your task."

Purple gives a disappointed look to Black but does as told.

That was until a body is found.
This time it was Green.

The four alive CrewMates meet up at the table.

"It was Purple! It was definitely Purple! I saw him kill Green and jump a vent!" Blue panics, "I was with Green the entire time and I saw it!"

"That can't be right, Purple was with us? He was going to do a task" you defended

"Oh, then it was me?!" Blue growls.

"Yeah! It could've been!" Black shouts back. 

Purple nods, "you could've self-reported."

Blue stands up "Are you going to believe this FAKER!?"

"Face it Blue, you were the only one around Green." Black huffs, "My job is to protect the ship from liers like you!"

"No! Your job was just to fix up the ship! Like the rest of us!"

"At least I care enough to TRY not to let people DIE!"

"Guys! Calm down, please!" You squeak out, trying to get the two to stop.

"Whatever guys. I'm voting Purple. He's the killer." Blue casts his vote.

Black and Purple cast their votes.

You didn't know who to select now. For all you know, Blue could be telling the truth.


Turning your head to the other Crewmates you ask for help. Not verbally of course, but in a way, they can understand.

The votes are in. Three votes for Blue, one for Purple.

Blue was ejected.

The Imposter is still among us.

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