eighteen. antsy

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tw // car accidents

Seungkwan was anticipating the results at his work, his phone had seemed to die and his knees kept bouncing up and down. He couldn't seem to keep them still. They just need to drive home with dog food, not that hard.

He was in the back, holding the dog food along with Junhui, Chan was in the front talking about how he has taken a liking to dance. Seungkwan contently listened and nodded along while Chan invited them to his performance. "Will you guys come along to my performance I have this weekend? I mean I'll tell the others too!"

"Of course!" Seungkwan grinned, leaning over the seats to squish the youngest's cheeks. He layed back in his seat and rested his eyes. "We're almost here hold on." Joshua mumbled as he kept driving, not noticing a car going to intercept their car.

Mingyu couldn't wait for Seungkwan and the others, he felt like a puppy waiting for it's owner. He couldn't wait to tell how well Jeonghan and Minseo are getting along.

He checked the time as Seungcheol spoke. "Aren't they supposed to be back by now? They were only supposed to get dog supplies. It's taken two hours."

"You're right.. Where are they?" Jeonghan tilted his head. "I'll check Seungkwan's phone!" Mingyu offered and whipped his phone out, pressing Seungkwan's number into his phone. He nervously fiddled with the phone in his hands.

Ring... Ring.. Ring.. Nothing.

"He's not answering.." Mingyu bit his lip, his anxiousness was bubbling in his soul. "Maybe call Jun? He's always on his phone." He suggested towards Jihoon and the receptionist nodded. Dialing Jun's contact onto his phone.

"He's not calling either.." Jihoon huffed, thinking hard. "Where are they?"

"I'll go find them!" Mingyu spoke and Seungcheol nodded, "Whoever wants to come, follow us!" He ran out to their car and waited for everyone to be settled. Minghao and Vernon were staying while Jihoon and Jeonghan went along.

Mingyu felt his heart racing while he sat in the passenger's seat. Eyes glued outside the window to see if their car was maybe there. "Oh there's an accident." Jeonghan noted while looking out the window pane. "It doesn't look like Joshua's car though." Mingyu sighed of relief.

He felt a familiar feeling. His heart was racing, he felt blood rush to his brain. It hurt. Mingyu gripped himself, hugging himself as Seungcheol glanced, and put a hand on his shoulder. "They're all going to be fine.. Don't worry." He comforted Mingyu.

He prayed it was okay. That all four of them were okay and not seriously injured.

"There's another one." Seungcheol said as he turned the car around, seeing two cars in a collision, mostly the right car had crashed into the car going straight. Most parts of the car (which was Joshua's) looked salvageable.

Mingyu gasped, seeing the sight and not being able to see any of his co-workers and Seungkwan there made it worse. He felt like his chest was aching as he hyperventilated. Tears just kept falling from his eyes without him blinking or forcing them to. They overfilled his eyesockets like a flood.

Jeonghan and Jihoon ushered him to the back seat with them. He tried to crawl there with his big body, it didn't help that he was tall also. They hushed whispers of comfort into Mingyu's ears as Mingyu held himself. Jeonghan rubbed his arm softly and Jihoon hugged him.

Seungcheol parked near a convenient store parking lot and paused. "Let's hope.." He mumbled and shut his eyes until a ringtone of Mingyu's voice sang out into the quiet air.

Mingyu immediately picked up, his eyes puffed from his tears and his breathing was barely stable. Jeonghan saw the other's state and took his phone, answering. "Yes? He's right next to me, yes. Okay, hold on, we're heading there." He bid the caller goodbye and told Seungcheol.

"They're at the hospital, most of them are okay, they are just shaken up a little bit." Jeonghan informed as Seungcheol sternly nodded and continued to drive towards the hospital.

The four of them went into the hospital, two of them had a very distressed Mingyu in their arms as he tried to stable his own breathing. "Where are the patients Boo Seungkwan, Wen Junhui, Hong Jisoo, and Lee Chan?" He questioned and the nurse had a look, glancing between the four of them and giving a nod.

"On floor two, turn left two times, and the third and fourth room."

The four of them ran, rushing into the empty elevator and pressing the number two. They waited, impatiently and tapped their feet in rhythm out of nervous habit.

Once the elevator opened, Seungcheol ran two lefts and Jihoon huffed. "He always is the leader in these types of situations. But I'm glad it's that way." He had a small smile as he rubbed Mingyu's back.

The trio had reached where Seungcheol was. The trio let out a breath of air they didn't notice they were holding in their lungs. Mingyu shoved passed and looked through the window of the door. Seeing the three of them sitting down, facing a bed. Where's Seungkwan?

He watched and tried to examine the room through the tiny sliver of the window and the door until he saw a person on the bed.


He opened the door and the three sitting jolted, heads whipped towards the taller. Joshua had bit his lip and looked down. He looked ashamed, Mingyu's never seen the older like that. He just crowded himself around Seungkwan.

Mingyu examined his lover, seeing him have a cast on his leg worried him. Seungkwan looked ar peace, his eyes were closed and lips were still in a pout.

"He's napping." Chan's voice filled the room, Mingyu nodded looking at his lover with pleading eyes. "He said it hurt too much and he wanted you to come."

Mingyu winced at the thought and then smiled a little. Fool, you aren't supposed to think of me right when you're injured. He felt a tear run down his cheek again and he watched as the tear dropped onto Seungkwan's hand.

Mingyu rested his head next to Seungkwan's body, hoping he'd wake up from his nap sooner or later.

👀 also if you want to read more boogyu fics from me, i have two other ones and a oneshot in my oneshot book ^^

- corrupt authority
- summer rain
- artificial crush (seventeen oneshots)

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