halloween special

342 15 2

this is before the four year timeskip

"Woohoo!" Junhui cheered once all of the dogs got picked up from their owners. His arms were raised and waving around as he made sounds of glee. Joshua just fondly watched over the counter, hand placed on his chin.

Seungkwan just smiled, he was glad that his family is here. "Halloween is here!" He screamed in joy as Jeonghan joined along with the chaos. Soonyoung and Seokmin happened to enter the daycare at that time. Their eyes widened as they cheered along. "We should have a partyy!" Soonyoung suggested and Seungcheol approved.

"Where should we throw the party?" Jihoon was curious while Jeonghan just snickered.

"Mister Kim and Boo's place." He winked as Mingyu was visibly red. "W-Why?" The taller boy stuttered as he was heating up. Jeonghan just giggled, leaning onto Jihoon. He was in such lighter spirts ever since he and Minseo became friends.

"Okay! So someone bring the drinks and food." Seungkwan shot a look at one of them before someone raised their hand. "I'll do it." Wonwoo raised his hand and it surprised everybody. Wonwoo usually wasn't the one to do things for other people that aren't Chan.

"Great! Who's bringing all the decorations? People who aren't Seokmin and Soonyoung." He added on while his roommates just whined. "It was just one time! We didn't mean to break all of the decorations by just rolling around." Seokmin pouted and Seungkwan was unfazed.

"Not risking it again." He stuck his tongue out to his roommates and Seokmin huffed. "We'll bring the decorations." Minghao tapped Seungkwan's shoulders as Vernon continued. "Also do you mind if the decorations are cheap?" Minghao turned to his boyfriend in shock.

"We are not getting the decorations from the dollar store again. If that's what you're thinking, Vern~" Minghao sing-songed as the other just stood in silence, absorbing Minghao in his eyes. "O-Oh, we're getting them from that place you really like, with all of the art supplies." Vernon snapped out of his heart eye phase.

Minghao was pleased as Seungkwan raised an eyebrow, deciding not to question it as he spoke, "The rest of you, just come, and the ones who have tasks, get there a little early. If you don't I will personally talk with you." Seungkwan was serious for a moment before laughing at the silent atmosphere. "I'm just joking!"

The room lightened up with Jun's jokes and the rest of them laughing. Seungcheol complaining about how he's going to be single forever as Jeonghan and Jihoon glance at each other.

Mingyu clung onto Seungkwan's back, giving him a back hug as he sniffed Seungkwan's neck. "I'm exhausted." Mingyu whined softly before Seungkwan chuckled. "You can take a nap and wait until the party." He planned and Mingyu hummed.

As the room started to become more and more empty, Mingyu kept cleaning around while Seungkwan bid goodbye to the others. Once Chan was the last one out, Seungkwan turned to his boyfriend. "Kim Mingyu, you cleaning machine." He joked as he ran and jumped onto Mingyu's back while the other stood up.

"Ouch! You're gonna make me have more back problems, Boo Seungkwan." He complained as he held onto Seungkwan's thighs, the smaller wrapping his arms around Mingyu's neck and draping his body on the taller's back.

It was nice, just like this, in Mingyu's warmth. The clean smell wafting to his nose as Mingyu walked out of the daycare.

Once Seungkwan, yes, Seungkwan, drove them back in Mingyu's car, the apartment was left as it was. Mingyu was sleeping in the passenger's seat as Seungkwan puffed his chest. "I can do this." He motivated himself as he dragged Mingyu out of the seat and onto his back.

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