My Idiot

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NOTE: I tried to write this for three days and every draft I hated till this one. Sorry for the wait but I think you will all find it worth it! Let's pray the hard work, lack of sleep, and splitting headaches paid off !  Enjoy! ^^


Percy: (2/3 of the I'm sorry update)

I blocked the kid I was teaching as he swung around to try and catch me off guard. I swung my blade up and I swept his feet out from underneath him. He went crashing to the floor and became covered in dust dirt.

"Good try, Thomas." I said giving him a hand up. "Next time, remember to watch your back side. The enemy will fight dirty. They won't always just use a sword or weapon." I finished giving him a clap on the back.

"Thank you all for training so hard. That's it for today's class I called." As everyone gave a slight cheer heading off to shower and relax for a moment before dinner.

"Thanks for the tips Mr. Guardian, Sir." Said one of the younger kids who looked about twelve I gave a chuckle at all the formality. But I appreciated her respect and show of manners. Most kids around here try to pretend like they own the place, and are already the best they could ever be. It's what gets them killed if they aren't careful.

"You are most welcome little one. I hope you hone your skills. I saw you earlier." I said with a grin ruffling her hair. "You have the fine makings of a swords-woman one day." I said as the young girl's eyes lit up and he bounced off to go and put her armor away in the training shed.

I walked towards the beach. The water lacked it's shine, not to say it still wasn't beautiful. But it lacked a certain warmth and serenity that it once held. The ocean looked deadly and I felt like if I set foot in there I would most assuredly die if I wasn't a son of Poseidon. 

I messaged everyone to end lessons for the day and to meet up for dinner. Luke began to make his way towards me.

"Hey, you alright Guardian?" He asked. "I noticed that you were a bit distracted all day. " He said offering me an outlet to talk.

"Well, it rained earlier so we didn't get in as much practice as I would have liked. And I can't get this morning off my mind... I really need to apologize to Lou." I said scratching the back of my hood feeling like my leadership skills at the moment were lower than they had been in a while. 

"Let's have a match then. Talk to me." He said as he raised his sword with a grin and I leapt forward eager to get my frustrations out. Our swords clashed and we exchanged blows as I began to explain.

"At this point I wish I would have just backed down, but I let my worry take over and I definitely went overboard. She should be able to go outside to the porch.  Lou is my Lieutenant after all, she earned that position. I need to give her more credit, especially since she was attacked. She isn't helpless or so badly hurt she can't move. Ugh, man she probably hates me." I sighed dejectedly while Luke was trying to hide a grin, I  quickly switched to defense as Luke's blade attacked me mercilessly as always.

"Yeah. You really went kinda crazy this morning. But, don't get yourself down too much okay?" he said as I parried his slash and ducked his incoming blow rolling to the side. We both paused, staring each other down. "You were just worried about her. Maybe next time just take a step back and just trust her. It happens to the best of us. You, Me, Shade, Harley, even those two idiots have someone on the team we all worry about specifically." Those words caught me by surprise as Luke again ran at me.  I blocked and we both struggled to gain the upper hand.

"Really? Traveler and Thief? The two most troublesome 'bachelors' on our planet?" I said breathing heavily trying to focus on our fight.

"Not for much longer they won't be." He scoffed with a grin as he  grabbed me and tried to sweep my feet out from underneath me. I fell but quickly regained my footing annoyed he pulled such a dirty move. But this was Luke I was fighting with, I thought a scowl forming. "Belle hatched a plan to get them together with Starlight and Alex respectively. From what I've seen it's working." He grinned underneath his hood. 

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