More trouble

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 Chapter 23: Army of the betrayed.

Hey guys short synopsis Percy had a panic attack last chapter and Lou was able to bring him out of it. It was rather short anyway so if you skipped you didn't miss much. 😊


"Why are we having another meeting? We just got out of one yesterday!" Harrison complained as he and everyone else sat down, some more eager than others to learn the information we have to share.

"Because we have new information and figured the faster everyone here knows the better." I said

"What has happened Guardian? What do you know?" asked Chiron.

"I had a dream last night. I appeared in a pit of horrors and a dark voice spoke to me. Mostly taunted me. The voice asked why I was there because he did not 'summon me.' The voice also taunted me about my team. Whoever the voice belongs to ordered the attack on my lieutenant but did not carry out the deed themselves. The voice said they had someone important to the hero Percy Jackson. They had taken this person, the voice said it was someone who was lost. But I have no idea who the voice was talking about. "

"I believe we know what entity we are facing now." Chiron said gravely turning to the cabin heads around us.

"I'm afraid our adversary is the pit itself."

"Chiron you can't mean-"

"Yes. Tartarus." Nico, Annabeth and I all flinched a little when he said the name outright and gasps filled the room. Hushed whispers broke out as they all tried to keep down the panic and the fear.

"Was there anything else in the dream that you remember Guardian?" Chiron asked I turned to face my old mentor.

"The last thing he said was a question. He asked me if I had ever tried drowning a son of Poseidon." I said and even more hushed whispers broke out but more about my given name.

"What does that have to do with anything? More importantly this 'thing' has someone important to someone here. We need to find this person and rescue them before it becomes too late." I said and two people came forward and spoke up.

"It's us... I think... we were close to Percy... O- Our son. Jaron, h-he disappeared without a trace off of a quest. We've searched everywhere but we haven't found him and feared the worst." Piper said with a shaky voice and tears in her eyes. "Guardian is there a chance this missing person could be our son? Please tell me." She begged and I was beginning to connect dots. Piper clung to my arm with tears in her eyes and I could tell how hard she had looked. How much she missed her son. How much she was pleading with me to say he'd come home.

"Your son was an idiot and got himself killed. It's been over a year Grace there's no way-" The annoying voice of Don was cut off as Jason beat me to the literal punch this time as he deked Harrison's lacky in the face most likely breaking his nose.

"Don't you dare speak to my wife like that you low-life. How dare you say that about our son. He was and still is one of the bravest people I've ever known. Selfless and loving to a fault. He left on that quest because he wanted to help and now, he's missing. There was no proof of his death. Piper and I will never give up hope, and we will never stop searching for him. I know my son is still alive. So, don't you even dare say another word you Ορνιο." He seethed as he comforted his wife who was in tears. Thalia looked like she was mixed hearing about her recently discovered nephew between surprise that he was missing and rage that someone had threatened her baby brother and his wife. I noticed Luke hold onto her and keep her from doing anything to escalate the situation further.

Don looked around at Harrison and I have to say. For the leader of his group he looked awfully careless and cowardly. Don looked for someone to agree with him and the room met him with cold stares. Not even backed up by his boss because he was too busy cowering behind Annabeth. Probably fearing a broken nose as well. I'd heard Jaron went between both Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter because of his parents being both Greek and Roman. He was well known and very well liked.

"That was far of line." Chiron stated as he looked at the camper in question. "I'll ask you to leave if I hear anything else like that out of anyone's mouth."

"Was that everything you wanted to discuss with us Guardian?"

"We need to prepare he told me he was coming specifically for us first. We need to do everything we can to prepare the campers the best we can. I don't want to lose anyone else if we can help it." I whispered and Chiron nodded and adjourned the meeting promising to talk about more training and ways to prepare camp and create weapons to fight the monsters that Tartarus would be bringing with him.

I was proud of myself because I had managed the meeting with less shouting and death threats. But also, not give away the fact that I am indeed Percy and that I have been to Tartarus. From what I gather we need to rescue Jason and Piper's son Jaron from the enemy. We still have no idea where he could be. So that makes it infinitely harder for us to find him fast.

We were walking out when Piper came up to me.

"Thank you."

"What for? I haven't done a whole lot..." I trailed off and she shook her head with a humble smile on her face.

"You gave me something invaluable. You've given me actual hope that my son is still alive. Thank you so much." She said as she gave me one last smile and walked away.

"That's very sweet of you." Lou whispered to me taking my hand.

"I just hope we can find him and that he is still alive by the time we reach him. Tartarus does not play nice with us ever." I said as we walked along with no clear destination.


This meeting was a wrench in my plans. It doesn't help that Grace totally punched Don in the face. He had to go to the medical wing and go get his nose fixed. I need to speak to Tartarus about this. I can't believe this happened so soon! That card was never supposed to be played.

I walked to a secluded part of the forest outside of the barrier of Camp Half Blood.

"Tartarus, we need to speak." I muttered to the ground and he seemed to melt out of the shadow of the tree I was next to.

"Ah Harrison what do you need?"

"The camp knows you are coming now. The army of Chaos this morning revealed that one of them had a dream of Tartarus. I thought we were not going to reveal ourselves to them ever!" Tartarus sent a glare my way before he spoke.

"I did not intentionally reveal that to them. I don't know why the army of Chaos is involved. Percy Jackson has nothing to do with them as far as I know. He was the one who was summoned to me last night and we had a little chat." He muttered and the dots connected in my mind like someone had fired a bullet.

"He's with them!" I cried as I thought of a plan that would most surely work. "Thank you, Lord Tartarus your insight was most valuable. I will still continue to sabotage the campers in any way possible. See you for the fight in a little over a week."

"You are a strange one, aren't you? Do what you will." He said with a flippant wave and left.

I needed Don, Annabeth, Trent and Cassandra. This would be good.


The army of Chaos was walking together near the amphitheater full of demigods. They were happily chatting and trying to figure out what they could do to help the camp as a whole. What a bunch of losers. Obviously, we would beat them in this war no matter how powerful they think they are.

We quietly snuck up behind a few of them clumped together. I picked out Guardian, he was mine to unmask. The other four were with me as we snuck closer. I gave the sign and we rushed them from behind and we managed to pull the hoods off of three people. To say the surprise was palpable would be an understatement. Out of the three we managed to pull hoods off of, I only recognized one and began to speak with a wild grin adorning my face.

"I believe you still have a bounty on your head Jackson."

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