Cryaotic x Reader {Lemon for realsies}

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******Request from @Linktheneko12****

It was one of THOSE nights again, the nights where I can't sleep because of the thunder outside. 'God dangit! Why couldn't I be frightened by something else other than thunder?!? Why can't I be scared of spiders like a normal person?!?!' I thought to myself. Another crack of thunder had boomed right outside the window, I yanked the covers over my head and sobbed into my pillow, it was so frightening outside and I just couldn't take it anymore. My hands reached over to my phone shakily as another loud boom filled my ears. I slowly typed in the number, unsure of whether or not I should do this, but as another crack attacked my ears I was sure of my decision. I waited. Minutes passed and then a voice answered.

"Hello?", he asked in a tired tone.

" R-Ryan, it's so s-scary outside. Please, i-i need comfort.", I said shakily, my voice cracking.

"Shhh, its ok (Y/N), I'm coming over right now.", he said in a more awake and soft tone. He hung up. I sat there, under the covers for several minutes, and then I heard my door opening. I saw him. His chocolate brown hair and glistening blue eyes were scanning over me. He slowly walked over to my bed and plopped under the covers with me, putting one of his hands on my waist, he pulled me close to cuddle. I accepted. For years he would do this just to comfort me, and tonight was no exception. I loved how he did this, how he cared for me so deeply. I ran my fingers through his soft hair but more thunder came and I ended up yanking on his hair.

" ow."

"i-im sorry Ryan.", I continued to run my hand through his hair, and I...I then kissed him. I loved him and how he cared for me and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. After what felt like forever, I pulled away for air, a thin string of saliva connected to our mouths. I looked at him. A deep red blush forming over my face as I looked him in the eyes. He was shocked, but it soon turned to a warm smile. He pulled his face close to mine, so close I could feel his hot breath against my skin, and kissed me again. I kissed back. Every second the kiss got more passionate and deep, I could feel him moving over me. He slowly and gently undid my shirt and started kissing my neck. He went down my neck and started kissing down my torso and then back up to my lips. I trembled under him, I was submissive, but I loved it. He took off his own shirt and shorts, leaving him in boxers. He slowly slid those off as well as my own underwear. He kissed me ever so passionately and went for it. I cried in pain and he kissed my tears away, singing sweet nothings to me. The pain left, but thunder didn't. The loudest crack of thunder made me jump, and hold on tightly to Ryan.

"Its ok, it won't hurt you (Y/N)." He said soothingly, running his hands through my (h/c) hair. I bucked my hips gently, moaning, telling him I was ok and he could move. He did. Pleasure was all I felt when he did, he wasn't rough and difficult, he was gentle and kind. I felt a knot build up in my stomach and soon I came, he did too, but not inside. He cleaned up the mess and held onto me.

"I love you so, so much (y/n)"

"I love you too Ryan"

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