part one.

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The small diner with dim lights was hardly full when Kevin Atwater walked in

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The small diner with dim lights was hardly full when Kevin Atwater walked in. The windy cold Chicago weather didn't help with the rain that had been on and off that whole day. His boots and jacket were completely wet , his black boots squeaking on the white and pink tile that covered the diner's floor.

He settled down in the corner in the red and white booth with the white table in front of him , sliding his tall and bulky frame between them. He took off his black coat and dropped it beside him.

Minutes later , the white mug of coffee was placed in front of him.

"Thank you." He muttered. The waitress nodded before walking away. His dark eyes went to the window he was sitting beside and watched the small actions of the people who walked past. Talking and laughing despite the new attempts of rain starting to fall down from the sky while low music played in the background.

He was a cop , his eyes were always on everybody.

His eyes went to his silver watch on his left wrist , sighing as he looked at the time. He then pulled out his phone to see no alerts. Placing it back in his pocket , he took a deep breath.

The black detective's criminal informant was late and he didn't need or want to waste his time. He wanted to go home , take a hot shower and hit the sheets in his empty Englewood home before he would have to wake up and become a superhero all over again the next day.

His eyes kept going to the door and the window's , eyes capturing every single movement from the humans walking around and non-animate objects on the sidewalk. Looking error. A custom forced inside of his mind from the academy and the last eight years working at the twenty first precinct in his home city.

The bell ring and Kevin's eyes went to the door to finally seeing his CI walking in.

Donovan Rhoades aka Lucky.

The short Irish pale skinned man made his way over , green eyes gleaming from his addictive drug use while his hands rubbed his ginger red hair back on his head. His green coat with fur was wet as well with his black and white Nikes. Kevin looked the man up and down , noticing he was wearing the same burnt orange flannel and jeans he had seen him in two days before.

"Sup Keith ?" He asked as he approached Kevin with a smirk. Kevin gave him a blank look while he sat down. "What ?"

"Get here late one more time , you're getting taken off of the roll and going straight to Statesville."

Lucky quickly shook his head with wide eyes. Finding Lucky on a solo drug bust two years ago was surprising for the black detective. Then he jumped to the opportunity to claim him as a CI , Lucky had ran up five warrants but he could stay out of trouble if he fed him information , anything deemed necessary.

One mistake and he was going to Statesville , unprotected, with all his enemies.

"Man , I'm sorry. Just got busy." Lucky complained , scratching his arm , his unkempt nails against his forearm. Kevin quickly glanced at his arm to see the bruises from the previous drug he shot into his arms. "But what you won't believe it."

"What ?"

Lucky being Lucky , his story was full of animation. He started from the beginning of his day , describing for what he had for breakfast , getting his mail and the continuation of the day. Kevin boredly watched him speak with a straight face.

"So I heard through the grapevine --"

The words cause Kevin's ears to perk up along as he stared at Lucky.

"Dennis Lee is back out on the streets."

The name caused Kevin to show his unexpected shock and surprise. Dennis Lee was a man who's been running from the cops , picking up his first crime in Kevin's radar when he just got out the academy. The man had done ruthless things to not women -- but to men as well , he created more than a name for himself with his list over fifty warrants.

"Yeah. I didn't believe it until I heard." Lucky said as he looked around and leaned over to the cop. "He has the three g's in the south side. Girls , guns and gambling machines. Apparently he's got a warehouse at this location and he's leaving it at this time."

Lucky's hand came from his pocket to show a dirty receipt with the location and time scribbled in permanent marker. Kevin grabbed it with a napkin when Lucky's phone rung.

"I gotta go outside to take this." Lucky told him and Kevin waved him off. The criminal informant went outside and Kevin kept his eye on him as he talked. His eyes trailed the quiet diner to see it practically empty outside of the employees. The low red lights created a dark ambiance inside as he sat there while the low tone of music played.

Kevin finished his coffee in his own silence as he kept his eye on Lucky who had just finished his phone call. Lucky looked over at the detective before nodding his head for him to come outside.

The Intelligence Unit member decided to stand up. He left a ten on the table and shoved his brown leather wallet back into his back pocket, his hand brushed past his hips to not feel the issued Glock 17 and badge in his name.

Never meet a CI regularly with your gun and badge.

Grabbing his coat , he slid it back on as his phone buzzed. He started walking towards the door while pulling out his phone. Before he could see who texted him , his tall frame bumped into a smaller one. A backpack spilling all of it's contents on the ground.

"Sorry." The female voice softly spoke as they both bent down , picking up the items. "I can really clumsy some times."

"No , it's fine." He told her , both of them shoving the items such as lip gloss and a computer mouse into her backpack. "It happens."

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as he went to grab the pair of Beats Headphones , her olive skinned hand touching his chocolate one.

Just like the fairytales , their eyes matched and for a moment , they both got lost.

She was the first one to move after her cheeks went red , blushing from his look. Turning her head , her raven loose locks fell on her shoulders as she grabbed her headphones.

The both of them then stood up but she looked back at him , the both of them couldn't take their eyes off of each other. The sound of the employees moving around in the back , the sound of the yelling from everyone outside , the sound of the low music in the diner. Nothing , not a thing could stop them from looking at each other.

A connection.

Something special that kept them silent.

"I-" He started to speak but the jingling of the door bell and someone named Lucky had ruined the moment when he came back in.

"Keith , dude , let's go !"

Kevin wanted to scream and curse at Lucky but Lucky knew better than to bother him if it wasn't important. Lucky was a drug addict and was out of his mind , of course he hadn't realized what was going on and what was right in front of Kevin.

"I think your friend wants to leave." She said softly , smile on her face , one full of humor. "But thank you."

Not knowing what to say, he nodded. "You're welcome."

He wanted to stay. To ask her for her name. To get her number. To take on her a date.

Anything but , somehow , he only nodded before walking out into the cold and rainy Chicago night.

Leaving her behind , with the smallest chance of ever seeing her again.

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