part eight.

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"His last person of contact was in the burner and he was named Slo-Mo

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"His last person of contact was in the burner and he was named Slo-Mo." Kevin told his Sargent the next morning in the bullpen. " Slo-Mo's real name is Andres Dias."

Jay shook his head. "Wait , Pulpo ?"

"Yes Pulpo, just got word he escaped ten months ago from maximum security. He's on everyone's watch list."

Voight sighed and rubbed his chin as Kevin started to explain more.

"Darius had been planning this. Along with their long phone calls , the texts prove that the two have been in contact for the last six months."

"Same time we picked up Darius." Kim told him and he nodded. "We used Darius and he used us."


"So what do we do now ?" Hailey asked , all eyes going to Voight. Voight folded his arms.

"We got any other contacts?"

"Yeah." Adam spoke , grabbing the file on his desk and opening it. "We got an Andre Barnes, warrants for illegal weapons on the street but plays as a preacher. Also he has been talking to Darius , doing gun buys. They met up last night."

"Good." Voight told him. "Kevin , go set up a buy. Once we exchange, we're bringing him in."


"Kev, Barnes is on his way in

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"Kev, Barnes is on his way in. He's got company." Adam said through the earpiece in his ear. Kevin glanced between the two Hispanic inside of the abandoned building that was used as a trap house.

"So when we doing this ?" He asked them , folding his arms. One of them smirked and waved him over. The three of them started walking to the main area and Kevin watched Andre Barnes walk in with a man right beside the man. The man slipped off his hood to show Darius Walker.

The two black men stared at each other, both of them not saying a word.

Andre Barnes dropped the duffel bag on the plastic table. He opened the zipper and pulled out the two automatic guns. These were government stolen gun property , this man was going to jail for the rest of his life. Kevin was surprised that this deal was so easy.

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