Day 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, HoO or anything you may recognise

This disclaimer applies to the rest of the story too.


Leo's POV

No no no no no no. 

He had miscalculated. That almost never happened! And of all things, he had to miscalculate this!

Rummaging through the medication drawer in sick bay Leo read every container that was possibly in there. 

Allergies, asthma, sea sickness etc. 

But he forgot to bring extra. Which was not good, like at all

He tipped his empty anti-depressant bottle upside down over his hand to see if something, anything would come out. No such luck. 

He cleaned up his mess in the drawer and tucked the bottle into his pocket and raced off to find Piper.

He slid up to her door and knocked until she opened the door and he accidently knocked her in the forehead. 

"Ow! Leo! This better be important or I'll knock you in the head back." She yelled. She rubbed her forehead and raised a brow at her brother figure. Who was jittery on the spot. 

She took a deep breath. "Come in." 

Leo walked inside and closed the door.

"OK." He started. "You know how I have that huge secret with my anti-depressants?" 

Piper took a second and then nodded. 

Leo took a deep breath and then exhaled. "I kind of....ran out." 

Piper stopped rubbing her forehead and gawked at him. "You ran out?" She asked.

Leo nodded. "That's what I just said, yes." He clarified. 

"Oooooohhhhh." Piper started to pace. "This is bad, you need that medication. It makes you...happier, than if you don't take it." 

Leo raised a brow. "Pipes, if I don't take it I purposely don't eat and try to hurt myself, so yeah, I know!" 

Piper wrung her hands. "Does anyone else know?" She asked. 

Leo shook his head. "That's what I came to ask. Can you...try to keep it a secret from them? Even if I'm acting strange." He asked.

Piper put her hands down and stopped pacing. "Leo..." 

Leo put up his hands. "Please?" 

They stood in silence for a few seconds before Piper's harmonic voice broke it. "I'll try." She whispered. 

Leo smiled at her. "Thank you." He said, then walked out the door. 


Leo watched as Percy walked up to the deck. 

Percy smiled at him and gently punched his arm. "Hey man, how you doing?" He asked. 

Leo smiled, but it felt strained, like he was just doing it for show. Which is what he was doing. 

Faker. A voice whispered. 

He widened his smiled. "Good man, how 'bout you?"

Percy shrugged. "Alright." He said. "Just woke up early." 

Leo nodded to that. He desperately wanted to quite the voice that was shouting in his mind. 

Freak! Idiot! Fake! Diablo! Diablo! Diablo!

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