Chapter 5: Gram's secret lover

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Danny's POV

Later that night I went to visit Grams alone. I'm glad I can see her again. I've got some questions to ask her. Dad's back home in the barn feeding the animals. I decided to pick up a burger at Milton's before I head to the hospital. I drove passed the place and they were still opened. I found a parking spot and walked inside. I sat down at the counter and looked at the menu. I decided to order the usual and Milton Jr. walks in.

"Hey, I know you. You're Danny, right?" he said.

"Yep, that's me! I haven't seen you since you were a little boy, M.J." I said.

"I used to have a crush on you and I thought that you were the prettiest girl I ever met. Do you think I still have a chance?" he said.

"M.J., I hate to burst your bubble but I'm gay. I prefer women. Sorry, Dude." I said.

"Whatever makes you happy. So what are you gonna order?" He asked.

"I'll order the usual. A double cheeseburger with the works and no onions,  a large fry and a large chocolate milkshake. I also would like a couple of those chocolate chip cookies." I said.

"Man, a girl with a big appetite. I likes. How do stay so fit after eating all of that?" he said.

"I work out everyday to stay in shape." I said. 

"Cool. Your order will be out in just a few." he said.

"Oh! I forgot! Could I have that to go, please?" I said.

"Sure." he said.

I paid for my food and waited for my order. My food and drink came and I carried it to the car. I put my food in my bag and drove to the hospital. Finally, I arrived to the hospital. I found a parking spot and parked the car. I grabbed my bag, the book that belonged to Grams and my milkshake. I walked past the reception's area and went to the elevator. I arrived at floor five and walked to Grams room. I knocked and went inside. Grams was awake and I sat down in a chair next to her bed.

"Hey Grams. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, baby girl. I smell Milton's. I used to take you there when you were a little girl." said Grams.

"Yeah. I miss those days, Grams." I said.

"I miss them too. Where's my book?" she asked.

"I have it right here." I said.

"You go ahead and eat and I will tell you the story of my life." said Grams.

"Okay." I said.

I took my food out of my bag and laid my food out. I began listening to Gram's story as I ate.

I was born in a small town in Ohio in 1949. I'm the oldest of 4 children. My little brother Elliot Jr. was born in 1951, my little sister Etta, was born in 1954, my baby sister, Carla was born in 1955 and my youngest brother Harold was born in 1958. We all lived with my mother and father in this little shack on a farm in Ohio. My daddy Elliot Sr., was a handyman and my mama Cora, was a maid. She worked for this white man that owned a ranch on the other side of town. The white man's name was Earl Manson. He was married to a beautiful white woman named Emily. Emily died years ago to cancer.  A year later, Earl fell in love with a black woman named Sarah Jo Hansen. She got pregnant the same time my mama got pregnant with me. My mama worked until she had me. A few days later, she went back to work for Earl and Sarah. She would bring me to work with her because there was nobody to watch me. Miss Sarah had her baby and named her Lily Jo Hansen. Lily was born half black and half white. Earl's family was not happy about that. Earl and Sarah continue to raise Lily. Lily and I grew up together and became friends. Lily went to a private school, and I went to a school down the road. We played together all the time and one day I fell in love.

"With whom, Grams?" I asked.

"I fell in love with.... Lily." she said.

"Wow, Grams! I didn't know you were a lesbian?!" I said.

"Neither did I until I had feelings for her. I knew I was never going to be with a man." said Grams.

"I felt the same way, Grams. I had feelings for this girl, and she cheated on me. So, I broke up with her." I said.

"She lost out on a good woman like I did." said Grams."

"What do you mean Grams?" I asked.

"I'm tired, baby girl. Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you then." said Grams.

"Okay. What does Lily look like?" I asked.

"You'll find her picture in my book." yawned Grams.

I looked in her book and I found a picture of beautiful mixed girl. I turned the picture over and it read, Lily Jo Hansen, July 4, 1957.

I looked up at Grams to find her fast asleep. I threw away my trash and drank all of my milkshake. I still had some cookies in my bag that I haven't eaten yet.  So, I grabbed my bag and kissed Gram goodbye. I left the hospital and drove home. When I got home, I took a shower and put on my pj's. I sat in Gram's chair and stared at the picture of Lily. I wondered if she was still alive, and I couldn't help but wonder why did Grams lose her? I sighed and said, "I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I also noticed a picture of Paris. Did Grams want to go there? I have to ask her then. I finished my cookies and milk then I went to my room. I read a book and fell asleep.

*This chapter has come to an end. Want more? Once again, All you got to do is vote, like and comment below. More chapters are on the way. So stay tuned for the next chapter. Thank you.*

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