Chapter 13: Finally Found You! (2)

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After half an hour of walking, the little girl finally stopped, "we're here!"
The two men looked towards the direction where the little girl was pointing. There, they saw little boys and girls practising karate with a teenage girl.

The teenage girl was throwing straight punches with an elegant posture. Her light brown eyes were brimming with determination.

"That's it! Straighten your back! No! No! No slouching!"

Li Zhong stared at the girl, hazelnut hair and caramel-like eyes...

It was Huang Liuxing! Li Zhong held his breath in excitement, his beautiful green eyes shone brightly. He finally found her. Yes! He looked at the little girl standing beside him.

It was all thanks to this little girl.

"Haha, Xiao Xing really was here. Isn't that nice?"

Li Zhong rolled his eyes at Li Xiu.

"Haha, see? I was right, wasn't I? Isn't that nice?"
Li Zhong smiled at the little girl and crouched down patting her head gently, "of course. Thanks for the help in advance."

Li Xiu: "..."

'Hey hey hey! I said that too!'

Li Xiu gawked at Li Zhong, he was feeling quite hurt. He, he said that too.. But Xiao Zhong rolled his eyes at him and ignored him, whereas the little girl got not only a smile but also a "thank you" from him!

That wasn't fair! What's with the difference in treatment?

As Li Xiu was secretly lamenting about Li Zhong's obvious favouritism, Huang Liuxing noticed the three that were standing far away from her position. At that moment, both Li Zhong and her eyes interlocked with each other.

Li Zhong?

Huang Liuxing's eyes widened, when did he arrive...?

The two stared at each other not moving an inch. This continued for some time.

Li Zhong stood still, not making a single sound. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't found the words to speak. But, he soon snapped out of his trance when he saw Huang Liuxing running towards him.

She seemed... upset..?

'Why?' He thought to himself.

Was she upset because he took too long to find her? So that means... she was waiting for him?

Thinking of the possibility that she was waiting for him made him feel delighted. Seeing Huang Liuxing running towards him. Li Zhong opened his arms ready to let Li Zhong jump into his arms. He smiled in a rather gentle manner.

However, contrary to Li Zhong's expectations, Huang Liuxing jumped up high while twisting her body, she bent her left knee while lifting her right leg to one side of her body performing a side fly kick and directly hit him the face.


It was a flawless, beautiful and powerful side fly kick. The onlookers stared in astonishment. Some were shocked and others were in awe. Of course, the ones who were in awe by Huang Liuxing's performance were obviously the children. Li Zhong on the other hand lost his balance at the sudden surprise attack from Huang Liuxing and fell to the floor. Li Xiu stood there frozen in shock. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Did little Xing just perform a side fly kick halfway in mid-air?!

It was no easy feat especially since Huang Liuxing only did that posture while jumping up high like that. Li Xiu placed his hand to his chin, it seems that Huang Liuxing has improved. She is indeed worthy to be named as his oldest brother's number one disciple! While Li Xiu was admiring Huang Liuxing, Li Zhong was still lying on the floor motionlessly. "Ow.." the place where Huang Liuxing kicked him was swollen red. As he slowly got up he gently rubbed his swollen cheek, his beautiful face distorted in pain.

"Hmph." Huang Liuxing who was standing opposite him glared at him in disdain. "You deserved it."
Li Zhong looked up at Huang Liuxing confused, "I deserve it?"

"You definitely deserve it."
"What did I do-" to deserve this treatment??

Before he could finish speaking Huang Liuxing cut him off, "of course you deserve it if it wasn't for you angering me earlier on, would I have forgotten my phone? Would I have gotten lost if not because of you? Hmph, be grateful that you only got one kick. If it was anyone else, I would have beaten them into a pig face!"

Li Zhong: "..."
Li Xiu "..."

So, so ruthless...
Li Zhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So the fact that he was her friend, she only kicked him in the face once, but if it was others, she would beat them until they looked like pigs on a farm.

'Haha... I totally forgot how ruthless and merciless Liuxing is.'

Li Xiu broke out in cold sweat when he heard what Huang Liuxing said to Li Zhong. He also couldn't help but admire his little brother. He really is capable, able to still mess with Huang Liuxing while knowing all that awaits him is a harsh beating. Honestly, one would think twice before playing with fire. But Xiao Zhong would just jump straight into it without even thinking twice about the consequences. One really needs to have guts of steel and a strong mentality to accomplish that.

Hmm. Seeing that ruthless scene just now, Li Xiu muttered to himself to avoid pissing off Huang Liuxing, otherwise who knew how he'd end up after doing the deed!

Li Zhong smiled woefully, "Liuxing, let's go and eat. Everyone else is waiting to eat as well." It would be better if he didn't annoy her during this trip. He really couldn't afford to
Get hit in the face again.

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